Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Writing Basics: Writing an argumentative/persuasive essay

If your instructor asks you to write an argumentative or persuasive essay, your main task is to convince the reader to agree with your opinion on some subject.  Let's say that you are against smoking and want to write a persuasive essay about why people shouldn't smoke.  Before you start writing, stop and think about why you believe that people shouldn't smoke.  Pick out your three strongest reasons/arguments to support your opinion.  They might be that smoking 1) causes cancer, 2) increases the chances of having a heart attack, and 3) exposes others to second-hand smoke, which can be almost as dangerous as smoking. You have just decided what the body paragraphs of your essay will be.  Now, think about why people who smoke would disagree with you; they might say that they are free to smoke, that it makes them feel good, it reduces stress, and so on. This is called the counterargument.  Now think about how you would refute, or argue against, this counterargument.  This is called your refutation.  You now have the general outline for a six-paragraph essay.

I. Introduction, with hook and thesis statement
II.  First argument against smoking
III.  Second argument against smoking
IV. Third argument against smoking
V.  Counterargument and Refutation
VI. Conclusion

You now have an outline and can start writing the first draft of your essay.


  1. This blog will be helpful to me as I organize and write my argumentative essay. Thank you, Mr. Burnham

  2. But should your essay be in English or Spanish?
    I haven't caught up with you for a while, but I think of you every time I watch a youtube video tutorial that's in Spanish. I actually just started my own blog, and credited you for inspiring me to do so (even though it is a wee bit after the inspirational spark).
