Monday, June 11, 2018

May Flowers

We have a saying, "April showers bring May flowers."  Maybe we should change it to "May showers bring June flowers."  Let me explain. It rained a lot in Indianapolis in May this year. Now it is June. My wife and I just planted some flowers because we are preparing to sell our home and move into an apartment or smaller house. We want to make our house more beautiful and easier to sell. We have lived in our four-bedroom house for 17 years. Our three daughters grew up here, but they are all in their 20's now and have left home. Two of them have children. So my wife and I are "empty nesters." We don't need such a big house anymore. Anyway, our new flowers are doing well; we planted them in May and it's June now. It rained a lot in May. It's still raining in June.  So maybe we should change the saying to "May showers bring June flowers."

What are the best times to plant flowers in your country? What are the months with most rain?


  1. I was thinking about that too. I live in a four bedrooms house and is hard for me to keep everything in order. but Im very sure that any time my husband and I will need something smaller for us when the children grow and leave the house. this is sad but is the life's process. Maria Rodriguez

  2. Ha! Sometimes it is a good time to "downsize" if you are "empty nesters." We will probably do it one of these days and move to an apartment. Mr. B
