Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Writing Process paragraph

          It is very important to follow the writing process to write a good, well organized essay.  This will ensure that your essay is as good as it can possibly be. So what is the writing process? The first step of the process is to choose a topic to write about. Next, think about that topic and "brainstorm," writing down all your thoughts about your topic. Then, develop an outline based on your brainstorming that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. After that, follow your outline and write the first draft of your essay. The next step is to give your first draft to someone to read and give you feedback about how to improve your essay. This is called the Peer Review step. Then use the comments from your Peer Review to improve your essay and write a second draft. Then give the second draft of your essay to your instructor for his or her comments and ideas to polish your essay even more.  Finally, write a final draft of your essay, making the changes indicated by your instructor. If you follow the steps of this process, you will write an excellent essay!


  1. Yes, I agree with this. we will not be able to write a good essay. If not follow the rules. It'll be a completely mess if we do not follow this rules. The readers will bored about it. We have to engaged with the reader. we have to kind of impress them.
