Thursday, September 26, 2019

How to Get a Good Grade in Any Class

          Sometimes students wonder how to get a good grade in a course. It's really a pretty simple process that you need to follow. Here are three of the most important steps for success. First, go to the first day of class with your textbook. Don't wait until later in the course to buy the book. If the book is too expensive, you can rent one or look online for a cheaper copy.  The instructor will explain many things on the first day of class that you will miss if you are not present. Second, do all the assignments and homework in the course and do your best on them. Finally, come on time to class and pay attention. Put your cell phone away. If you don't understand something or have a question, ask the instructor. If there is not time in class to ask your question, stay after class to talk to the instructor. Most instructors are happy to answer questions; that is an important part of their job.   As they say, "being there is more than half of being sucessful. In conclusion, these are three basic steps that you need to follow to get a good final grade at the end of the course. 

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