Friday, May 7, 2010

Goodbye Mittens: You Were a Good Kitty

We had a hard day today. Our cat Mittens, who we have had since she was a kitten 11 years ago, died today. A few weeks ago she started getting sick. We took her to the vet and found out that she had an autoimmune disorder with no cure. Mittens had been getting sicker every day, until she stopped eating and drinking this week. She wasn't strong enough to move. My wife and daughters said goodbye to Mittens today. There were plenty of tears. I took Mittens to the vet this afternoon to have her put to sleep. As I was waiting in the vet's office, Mittens died. She just twitched a couple of times and stopped breathing. It didn't seem like she was in pain. I usually don't cry, I guess because real men aren't supposed to cry, especially about pets. But I did shed a few tears.

Our family was lucky to have Mittens. She was lucky to have us. She had a good life. She was a good cat. We're sure she is now in that place where all good cats go, where there are lots of cats to play with and plenty of cat nip. So long, Mittens, wherever you are. You were a good kitty.


  1. It is so sad. I m sorry Mr Jeff.

  2. Thanks, Said. It is harder on my wife and daughters than me. I was sad, but not crying and "heartbroken" like them. Twenty points extra credit. Thanks for your comments.
