Thursday, July 8, 2010

Spain Beats Germany

!Ganó España! Goooooooooooooooool. ¿Fue un milagro? No lo creo. Se me hace que España jugó mejor que Alemania y por eso ganó. No fue ni milagro ni suerte. Veremos si pueden ganar a Holanda este domingo. España nunca ha ganado la Copa Mundial. Quizás este es su año.

Spain won! Goal! Was it a miracle? I don’t believe so. It seems to me that Spain played better than Germany, so they won. It was neither a miracle nor luck. We will see if they can beat the Netherlands this Sunday. Spain has never won the World Cup. Maybe this is their year.


  1. Someones are happy someones are sad.
    Which team will win , Spain again?

  2. I went to the World Cup in Madrid in 1980, a spectacular experience. They won the World Cup yesterday in SA. I wish I could have been there.

  3. Hi Harold,

    I'll bet that was a great experience going to the World Cup in Madrid. I would love to go to one...maybe if they host it in the US someday.


  4. Jeff, obviously it was Spains' year. I have a client that actually wet to the World Cup with his son. You were saying that you thought it would be a great experience. From what they said and gushed about it-I hope that you may be able to go someday and see Spain win for the second time. Bienvenido.
