Friday, July 29, 2011

Writing Basics: Writing an essay in one hour

When you apply to a college or university, you will probably be asked to write a five-paragraph essay as part of the application process. They want to know how well you write, since strong writing skills will be such an important part of your success in college and career after college. They also want to know if you can write under the pressure of a deadline, so they will probably give you 45 minutes to an hour to write the essay. When you are given the topic for the essay, the clock starts ticking. First, take a few minutes to read the topic and make sure you understand it. Then think about the topic and organize your thoughts on what you want to write about the topic and what your thesis statement will be. Take a minute to write a five- point outline. Only then begin to write the essay, and you will find that writing will go very quickly. Finally, give yourself a few minutes to review and proofread your essay and make any necessary changes. You will write a great, well organized essay in a short time if you follow these steps. Good luck!


  1. Jeff- thank you for everything you had thought me about writing essay.Specially the advice of writing five point outline before starting the essay, also the part of remided me to proofread my essay incase of changed needed before turned it in to my profesor.all your advices are very helpful to all students.
    Aurianie Fontus

  2. writing an essay with in an hour is hard for me more than I thought. Take a minute to write outline is a key point.

    Thanks Jeff
