Friday, December 12, 2014


          KISS has two meanings. It is an acronym that means Keep it Short & Simple. And it is the name of a bad (in my opinion) rock band, Kiss KISS live.  The band KISS is okay, but all their costumes, make-up, and fireworks are really better than than their music. The group KISS needs to follow the advice of the KISS acronym and Keep it Short & Simple, make it more about their music, and less about the theatrics.

         The acronym KISS can be good advice for us in our modern world, where everything is so complicated. Maybe it would be better to get back to a little simpler life. Maybe it would be good to listen to good music, and not be so interested in how the band members are dressed and how good their fireworks are. 

        KISS can also be good advice for ESL students.  When you are writing, don't use a big word when you can use a short word that means the same thing. "Use" and "utilize" both have the same meaning. So why not use "use"?  Don't use big words just to impress your reader, because he/she might not understand what you mean. It's better to stick to words you know rather than look up new words you don't know when you are writing.  KISS is a good thing to remember when you are writing a summary. A good summary is better when it is short. Also, the longer your paragraph or essay is, the more likely it is that it will have mistakes.  Besides, in today's world, everyone wants everything short because most people don't have a very long attention span. So take my advice, and Keep it Short & Simple.  What do you think--about the rock group, KISS, and about the KISS acronym?



  1. The word"Kiss"may used in a lot of meaning depending on the sentence. But for me ,"Kiss" is the sign of friend, and love. I like too Kiss Rock Band. But I hate they mark on their face..

    1. I don't like the band KISS very much because they are more about the show than the music. The music is the important thing.

    2. I agree. Music must be the first important for a Band.

  2. I don't want to get a kiss from others accept my girlfriend.As well as I don't want to kiss others too accept my close friends. Because i am afraid to get any disease from others.

    1. That's good not to kiss strangers. You never know.

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