Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Writing Process

      To write a good academic paper, it is important to follow the writing process. There are several steps in the writing process. The steps can be divided into four parts; pre-writing, writing, reviewing and revising. First, previewing involves thinking about your topic, brainstorming, writing down your thoughts, and organizing your thoughts into an outline. Good writing, like everything else in life always starts with thinking. Second, you write the first draft using your outline. Third, you have someone read your first draft and tell you what they liked and how you can improve your writing. This is called peer review. You review their comments and decide how you are going to change your paper in the second draft.  Finally, you revise your paper and write the second draft,  taking the peer review comments into consideration and your own ideas about how to improve your paper. Then you proofread your paper for any errors in format, grammar, spelling, and punctuation, Now you have finished your second draft and your paper is ready to submit to your instructor. In conclusion, if you have followed all these steps in the writing process, from pre-writing to revising, you will write a good paper that will receive a good grade. Good luck!


  1. I had learned literature in my country. I know when we want to write a good academic paper, we need to have 4 parts : prewiring, writing, reviewing, and revising, but I never do same thing, I just think a bout the topic, write down a academic and revise. I know I was bad, but i didn't like literature, I like number, I didn't spend a lot of time for literature, give a lot of time for math and chemistry. Now I need to change, because I am learning english, I need to spend all my free time for English, study harder, do enough 4 part when I write a academic and receive a good grade. hihi
    I thought my head was so hurt when I had written a Vietnamese essay. Now how can I write a English essay while i don't know a lot english. my head will super hurt ( for sure) maybe copy something from google. :)....
    Thank for your writing process. I'm keeping write anything I can, anything I think.

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  3. Good writing is important for academic success. Keep writing and your writing will get better and better.

  4. That's a good advice for those who don't know what to do when they going to write a paragraph. Some people (including me) don't use the punctuation correctly and don't know where or when to use a comma, colon, semicolon etc.

    1. Good comment, Judith. In this class we will also study correct punctuation rules.

  5. that's good things to know about writing.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I hope you will follow the writing process when you write paragraphs in this class.

  6. I am not a good writer and never learned how to write. I just started my writing the last week . I think to write a good paragraph,you have to follow step by step the rules. The most important is to practice your writing every single day.

  7. Yes, exactly. To write better you need to practice writing every day and following the writing process. The first step of that process is always thinking.

  8. This writing process is very useful for me. Even though I got an idea I don't even know how I am going to start. Writing is big challenge for me.

    1. Run, you have already started the writing process by taking the fist step, which is Thinking about what you are going to write about. We will talk about and practice each of the other steps. Step by step.

  9. Writing is a challenge for everyone, and everyone can become a better writer. It just takes practice, like soccer or playing the drums.

  10. yes a good write is include many thing such as handsome and well organized also all words that you want to talk even it can make your written nicely

    1. Good comment, Osman. Good writing has to be well organized. But I don't understand what you mean about handsome and good writing. Handsome refers to a good looking person. What do you mean?

  11. Replies
    1. Yes, writing is one of the most important skills for success in college, and life.

  12. really written is good for me because i need more practice and perfect doing written

    1. We have a saying, "Practice makes perfect." This is also true in writing.

  13. Yes, writing is good for you and is important to be successful in college. It just takes practice, practice, practice.

  14. The best way to improve your writing is to follow instruction steep to steep.

    1. Yes, we call it a process, because you do it step by step. And following the steps is very important.

  15. Writing is good to remember to something do not want to lose, helps to organize your life better , also to communicate with another person and make your writing well.

    1. Excellent points. Writing is important in our lives for many reasons, not only for academic reasons.

  16. I don't know how to write before I took writing class. when my High School year I wrote whatever I wanted, teacher me grade but I don't what's exactly about essay I only know we have to write 5 paragraph. Writing class I improve a lot of thing reading, writing Grammar.

  17. Thank You for giving us how to write academic paper. This is a really good process to know how to get better writing and also to improve grade in class.

  18. Writing process is really important before writing essay. It helped me really when I wrote essay.

    1. Yes, it's all about the process, beginning with thinking.

  19. this paragraph provide me with a lot of information about how to write a concept of the academic paper. you can say this paragraph like whole the writing rules book. thank you M.B.

    1. Yes, you could say that to write a good paragraph you need to follow certain "rules".

  20. yes, l do very important than important

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  22. Before I write essay, writing process really helps me on paragraph. This is good to know that you advice us.

  23. I think the writing process is really a good tip, which will help us a lot in our daily writing. I know, it is not easy for us, as learners of English, second or third language, to write correctly. However, with help like that, we will make it. Wake up classmates ! use the four steps of writing, from pre-writing to revising. Before revising, have someone help you. I hope, we will be successful in Writing III. Go ! classmates.

    1. It sounds like you understand the importance of the writing process!

  24. The writing has some process previewing, pre- writing reviewing, writing, and, revising. Each Part actually is very important and student have to follow this steps.

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