Saturday, February 6, 2010

Language, Publishing and Life: Where to start?

Over the years, I have thought about starting a blog, but it only remained a thought. Until now. So today I will launch my very own blog. Even though I have worked in book publishing for more than 20 years and have taught writing to English-as-a-Second-Language students for almost as long, I have never thought of myself as a writer. Until now. My job has been to work with authors to improve and polish whatever they have written before it is published. This has involved working with authors, developmental editors, copy editors, and proofreaders. I have taught students how to write good paragraphs and essays. I have enjoyed all of this very much.

Now I would like to try my own hand at writing, in my own blog. I have many interests, varied experiences, a loving family, good friends, and opinions. I am opinionated, if nothing else. Most of my professional experience has been in book publishing and language teaching. I have a passion for both. So that's what I will write about, as well as random thoughts on other interests and observations about life. I will attempt to write something daily, and my blogs will never exceed 300 words, the size of the box on this screen. I know we are all busy, so my daily blog should not take more than a minute or two of your time to read. Is that too much to ask?

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