Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why is it? Questions Without Answers

Lately I've been reading Stephen Hawking's excellent books about the history of time and the universe, stuff like the Big Bang Theory and black holes. It's interesting to think about how the universe began, where it is going, if time really exists, and how scientists like Hawking have been attempting to answer such questions to arrive at a Theory of Everything.

There are other questions that are equally puzzling, if not as important, or answerable by science. Here are just a few.

Why do athletes and coaches pat each other on the butt during a game, when they would not be caught dead doing that off the field?
Why do you always find one lost glove on the ground, but you never find a pair?
Where do the socks that disappear in the dryer go?
Why do we ask "How do you do?" when we meet someone?
Why is it that men refuse to ask for directions when they are lost?
Why is the bottom of the pillow always cooler than the top?
How come the food that tastes the best is usually bad for you and vice versa?

I have no answers for these questions, but submit them for your consideration.

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