Monday, November 10, 2014

Describing our dreams: the stories in our mind while we sleep

                                 My Crazy Dreams 

        Have you ever had crazy dreams?  Most people have dreams about all kinds of crazy things. Sometimes we can't remember our dreams and sometimes we can. I have all kinds of dreams and nightmares (bad dreams), but the following three are the most common. In the first kind, I dream that I am in college and taking a test. If I don't pass this test, I can't graduate from college. As I look at the test, I realize that I don't know any of the answers to the test questions. It's a terrible feeling and usually I wake up, sweating, until I realize that it was just a dream. The second type of dream is about being lost. I am lost in a city and can't find the place that I am looking for to meet a good friend. Like the first type of dream, these dreams make me feel frustrated and anxious.  Finally, I have another kind of "happy" dream.  In this dream, I am flying with my arms outstretched in front of me like Superman. I look down at the world below and everything I see looks tiny. It is a great feeling to be soaring like a bird. Then I wake up and realize that I wasn't really flying at all, only in my mind. But it was fun while it lasted.  I think that everyone has different dreams, some good ones and some bad ones. In summary, these are the three most common dreams that I have. What do you dream about?


  1. Dreams: I can say I have a lot of them Jeff one of my dream was that I was in a airplane I was the only passenger and one of the flight attendance gave me a bottle of water, I saw my face looking at the window I felt peaceful. I bought a dream interpretation book it help, Jeff you may need one too. Another dreams was : I was inside a train and I can see the mountains everything look beautiful but in front of me there was a little girl, and she was smiling at me.
    I started writing every dream and it help. you may see a few clue the following day about any of you dream.
    so tonight I don't know but I am sure I will have a beautiful dream

  2. I am sure I am going to have a beautiful dream

  3. Jeff, I have been dreaming like you. When I got nightmare such terrible things come up on me suddenly I wake up from my bed. I feel like so afraid and anxious just for a moment . sometimes I cannot sleep a gain then I turn on Tv and watch the long night instead of sleep.

  4. i agree about your dreams, sometimes i dreamed a good dream ,and some times,bad dream its a worse dream few minutes to change every thing.

    1. Scientists who study sleep and dreams say that most dreams last only a few seconds even though they seem to last a long time.

  5. Jeff I think our dreams sometimes tell us what to do or what can be happen or we are thinking to much about somethings and its coming to our dream.

  6. You are probably right. They say you should clear your mind of all worry and think only happy thoughts before you go to sleep.

  7. sometimes we dreamt like what happening in outside of dream.

  8. what we thinking before sleep we saw that type of dreams and so many people said that our early morning dreams most of true. It is about what happen in future we see that in our dreams.

  9. before you go to bed clear your mind, close your eyes and just relax and have a beautiful dream

    1. Sounds like a good idea. And have a nice glass of warm milk.
