Monday, March 30, 2015

Adventures in Mexico: Part 1

          I will never forget my first trip to Mexico after college with my friend Mark. We had both studied Spanish for a couple of years at college, so we thought we would go to Mexico and try it out. Well, we were in for a surprise.
          First of all, we crossed the border with no problems and after we were about 20 miles into the country we were getting hungry, so we decided to stop for some lunch at a cafe in a small town. They didn't have menus. The server greeted us and told us about the day's specials, in Spanish, of course. Mark and I looked at each other and then at her. We didn't understand a word she had said! So we just shook our heads and said "No entendemos." (We don't understand).
         So she smiled and gestured for us to follow her. She took us back to the little kitchen. Everything smelled delicious. She pointed at the different pots and told us what they had to offer for lunch. We still didn't understand anything, but we could see what looked good and what smelled good, so we just pointed at what we wanted while saying "Esto" (This one).  She nodded and took us back to the little dining room with four tables.
       A few minutes later, our food came. It was delicious! We asked for more. When we finished, we paid, gave her a tip, and said "Gracias" (thank you) and "Adios" (goodbye).  That day taught us several  things--we found out how good Mexican food is, how patient and kind Mexicans are, and how bad our Spanish was!
      In conclusion, this was only the first of many adventures that we would have on our trip to Mexico.  Understanding the language and culture of a new country can be a lot more difficult than you might think. But it is worth the effort. Have you ever had a similar experience when you visited or moved to a different country?

Mexican food : Mexican cuisine


  1. I think your first travel was more better than me but you don't lose anything when you try something new on your life you maybe learn a lot of words,things,and discover new places.

    1. I did lose something. I lost my pride. And I learned a lot of things about Spanish, Mexico, and myself.

  2. I had the experience in Africa when i was traveling in Nairobi in Kenya , i didn't know that in Kenya they do not accept US dollars , i reached Nairobi at night and i so hunger because it was long trip bus .I tried on a lot restaurants but none of them didn't accept my US dollars , as resultants i didn't eat this night. I think that travel remains the best way for learning another cultures.

  3. It happens all the time when you travel somewhere else, after two year living in U.S.A sometimes I don't understand things. My native language is Spanish and I can say I don't even know everything in this language, but the best part living in another county is that, you are learning all the time, because you need it.

    1. That's true. Living in another country you sometimes need to learn to survive.

  4. You were lucky during your trip because you found someone to help you

  5. you must to make sure of you can speak Spanish very well before your trip

    1. We thought we did speak good Spanish, but we found out we didn't..:)

  6. I had the experience in Malaysia, I can't spoke Malay language. Me and my friends went to school it was so hot, and we tried to buy icy cream and some food but we couldn't speak so just point for her.

  7. I have experiance like you.when my first day of United State I have a lot of trouble but I call the polices and he help me every thing.

    1. That's good. A lot of policemen in the US are friendly. Not all of them.

  8. You guys were lucky because you met a good person. Your trip was interesting and it gave me an experience.

  9. When I first came to the Us, the food was delicious and was trying all the good restaurants that my aunt recommended. A month later, I gained 8 pounds and limited my meals in restaurants to once a week.

  10. hahahahaha. What was your favorite food?

  11. I had the same experience when my first visited to McDonald Store. I didn't know any of the menu. I never went before, so I just point that I like to eat. It was funny!

  12. Hahahaha. This is the "immigrant experience," the same all over the world.

  13. travel in itself a fun adventure, and be more adventurous when you discover new things.

  14. I had never been more anxious in my life I have been chosen Indianapolis to live and star a new live, when I arrived I haven't idea how to star? I began in panic whit all my words came out wrong not body understood what I say. This was awful and I learned an important lesson (speak English as soon as possible).

  15. In my country, we have only one MacDonald store in Saigon, Saigon is a biggest city in my country, so i hadn't been in MC when I came to USA. I remember last year, that was the first time I went to MC by myself, I don't know a lot of english. I was thinking it is the same thing with the restaurant in Vietnam, I went to inside, I had sit and was waiting for attendant give me a menu and I can order. :). I was waiting for a long time. I kept looking a round, and I saw some people order with the reception, then I did same thing.
    I live here about 1.5 year. Now my english is getting better, but I'm still nervous to order in the restaurant, i alway use my finger, my body language to tell them a food in picture I like. :)...
    when you move to different country, you have a lot of thing to learn. u need to learn everything. It is very difficult. :(
    thank you for your story.

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  18. Trinh, We had a similar experience in different countries! Thanks for sharing your comment.

  19. I like tray write that is very important step for my but I 'm start .

    1. We can all improve our writing. Even the best writer. So we improve by practice, step by step. The more we practice, the better we get.

  20. It very funy this adventure you don't have someone to interpreted for you?

  21. This is a funny experience. I think that why can learn more with this kind of experience because with this experience we will never forget it.

  22. I had the same experience when I came to America I don't know a lot English. I went to the restaurant by my self it was difficult for me to communicate and to explain I always use my body language to tell them a food in the picture. the problem for not speaking good English put me in trouble because my mother language is Arabic and French. but this weakness in English didn't take me a long time I had chance to get in relation with an American friend her name is Tanya to practice her language and to be my friend but it was a good experience for me and my English is getting better.

  23. I got the same one when I came to Canada to visited my sister. At that time the server showed me some picture about her food and then I pointed at some nice picture to ordered

  24. Who is this? Please change your Follower profile so it doesn't say "Unknown."

  25. Van, please see if you can change your Follower profile so that it doesn't say "Unknown." Thanks for your comment.

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  27. It was a good experience! Sometimes when I order food they serve something wrong because I don´t pronounce it right.
