Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reaction to Arizona Immigation Law

The news for the last couple of days has been full of stories about the new Arizona immigration law--for and against. The law has created a firestorm of controversy within the U.S., in Mexico, and other countries around the world. It has created a division of Americans, who are in a heated debate about the law, and the larger issue of immigration in the U.S. In the end, I think this law is going to be a bad thing for Arizona and the U.S. Click on the following link to read one story about reactions to the new law and how it could affect U.S. political and economic relations with Mexico and other countries: MinnPost - Arizona immigration law: Will Mexico boycotts cripple trade?

What message is this new law sending to the world about the U.S.?


  1. the new law in Arizona state will encourage other states to follow this procedure. i think the problem of the united states is china, we should stop this game with this country.too many factories and companies are out of businesses, plus thousands of people got lay off because of them, i think we are invaded by china in every thing. it time to wake up and wear eye glasses to see who deprive our dream instead of chasing poor people who work for 6 to 8 dollars per hour

  2. Khalid,

    I agree with your comments and they made me laugh, too. Good job :)!


  3. The reaction that the world is probably having to this new law is that of disgust. Once again, we are so superior and can make rules as we play along. When I lived in Canada- they found what we call newsworthy comical. Where is our compassion and intelligence mix?
