Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ten Favorite Movies

As promised, here is a list of my favorite movies. I heard somewhere that you can tell a lot about a person by the books s/he reads and the movies s/he watches. If this is true, I have no idea what my list says about me, other than that I like them. Some of my favorite movies started out as books. By the way, in my experience the book is always better than the movie. I have seen most of the movies on this list more than once. In no particular order:

1. Little Big Man (book and movie)
2. The Karate Kid (just the first one)
3. The Grapes of Wrath (book and movie)
4. The Edge
5. It's a Wonderful Life
6. Mountain Man (book and movie)
7. Avatar
8. The Rocky movies (especially the first :)
9. Forrest Gump (book and movie)
10. Rainman

There you have it. Many other movies I love didn't make the cut and perhaps on a different day I would choose ten different ones. Favorite books tomorrow.


  1. As reader, I m an addicted person to movies. I love watch them. sometime I ask myself why Im not addicted person to read books better than watch the movies. Any way,I like watch as a curiuse person which way asking, why the productor has choosen this title? and what are the movies talking about? some of them are political and some of them are social. these are some of movies I have watched before maybe you remember them Mr Burnham.
    1. The terminal
    2. Hanibal
    3. Alcatraz
    4. Memoral quotes for saving pravite Ryan
    5. K19
    6. The pursuite of happness
    8. Tatinic
    7. cast away
    9. Red light
    10. Identity
    11. Riders

  2. Hello Said,

    Thank you for reading my blog. It seems that we have something in common--a love of movies. I love many of the movies on your list, especially the ones starring Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood.

    You receive 20 extra credit points for reading my bog and commenting.

    See you in class tomorrow.


  3. hello Jeff, i do like your taste for choosing movies and actors.my favorite actors are jack Nicholson, Dustin Huffman,Robert deniro, Morgan freeman, Clint eastwood,Anthony Hopkins, and more
    for movies:
    As good as it gets
    One million dollar baby
    Rain man
    The good,The bad,The ugly
    Color purple
    God father.However, I like to mention Angelina Jolie, A big heart actress who spent 2/3 of her money to help poor people in the world. Art is more than entrainment,its a love of giving that bounds us around the globe.

  4. hello Jeff 'first of all ,i would like to thank you for your blog and all your efforts to help us out in order to improve our writing skills .
    talking about movies it's like talking about food everyone has its own tastes and no one can blames the other about the type of movies he likes, regardless of the age,gender or any other factor .for my part my favorites movies are historical movies, or true story based movies and they are as fellow:
    1.GLADIATOR directed by Ridley Scot and staring Russel Crowe it's a tremendous historic and drama movie i have seen it more than 20 times .the film's music will make you cry all along the movie,i recommande you to see this movie and don't forget to have a tissue box ready you will cry for sure !!!
    2.brave heart ' a breath taking movie directed by mel gibson and staring mel gibson as well.

    3.the last king of scotlland it's about un african dictator and all the crimes he commited during his era .

  5. Khalid and Brahim,

    Thank you for visiting my blog and posting your comments. It seems that we have similar tastes in movies. I especially, like Brave Heart and Gladiator, even if they didn't make my Top Ten list.

    You both receive 20 points of extra credit for reading and commenting on my blog.

    See you in class.


  6. My favorites movies are :
    1 color purple
    2. Grease
    3. Avatar
    4. home alone
    5 Dr Seuss How the Grinch stole Christmas
    6 Christmas with the Kranks
    7. Jingle all the way
    8. the holiday
    9. national lampoon's Christmas vacation
    10. and meet the parents

  7. My 10 Favorite Movies are :
    The Italian Job
    The Mask
    Ace Ventura
    I am Legend
    Men in Black
    Lion King

    1. You have a long list of favorite movies, Lamia.

  8. Who are you? I like these movies too. I have never seen Troy.

  9. Hi, i'm Lamia. Troy is an epic historical war film. it's dramatic too. Brad Pitt is the hero; he is a strong Greek warrior.Troy is interesting. I encourage you to see this film.

    1. Brad Pitt is one of my favorite actors; young Brad Pitt and older Brad Pitt.

  10. Lamia. Thank you for your comment. I know about the historical event called Troy, but I have not seen the movie. I will try to watch it. I like Brad Pitt.

    1. you welcome Mr B. Brad Pitt is a strong actor, but Will Smith is the best for me; his movies mostly have meanings.
