Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Paragraphs and pyramids

          Strong paragraphs, like strong pyramids, are based on the number three, and have certain similarities. First, paragraphs have three parts--beginning, middle, and end--and pyramids have three sides because the sides are triangles, not squares or rectangles. Writers know that strong paragraphs need to have three parts, and engineers know that pyramids are strong structures because they are based on triangles with three or four sides. For instance, writers know that if they leave out any of the three parts of a paragraph, it will not be strong.  And engineers know that a pyramid will support more weight than a typical four-sided structure. Second, you might say that both paragraphs and pyramids have a body. The body of the paragraph is the biggest part, between the beginning and the end. You could say that the inside of a pyramid is the "body" of the pyramid, and the biggest part, too. Finally, paragraphs and pyramids are both pleasing to read/look at because they seem complete. If you read a paragraph with no conclusion, you feel it is missing something. In the same way, if you look at a pyramid without triangular sides, you would say, "That's not a pyramid at all."  In conclusion, the structures of paragraphs and pyramids are similar because they are both based on the number three, and that basic characteristic makes them strong and well formed.


  1. I hope this will help me to write a good paragraph and organize my writing as well. A good paragraph need a topic sentence, supporting sentence, and concluding sentence. You can't build a pyramid without the foundation of the three pillars. Thanks I appreciate it.

  2. So, i always read what u wrote.... and i hope if i can learn and do exactly what u mean because i have some proplams when i wrote something's has different languages what ia'm thinking about ....
    so i'll try over and over to follow this steps to builld a strong pyramids

    1. You can learn to write well. It just takes practice. Nothing is easy, even a new business!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The paragraph is similar to the pyramid is a good example to tell the structure of a good paragraph should.

  5. Paragraphs and pyramids. The power of three.

  6. I got great understanding how to write a good paragraph so right now I have good idea about paragraph so thank you .

  7. I got great understanding how to write a good paragraph so right now I have good idea about paragraph so thank you .

  8. it's a best example for make us understand easily how we write a good paragraph,I think you took good example and very close,I hope to success and I can write a good paragraph from this .
