Friday, January 23, 2015

The power of three

          The number three and signal words are important in writing, and we can see this in how we write a good paragraph. First of all, a good paragraph has three parts; a topic sentence (beginning), a body (middle), and a concluding sentence (end). If the paragraph is missing any one of these essential parts in its organization, it won't be as easy for the reader to read and understand. Second, we need to use signal words to help the reader find the three parts. For example, in the body of the paragraph, we can make three points. We make it easier for the reader to find the three points by beginning each of the points in the body with signal words like first, second, and finally.  That makes it easier for the reader to find the three points and know exactly what they are.  You can think of these signal words as "flags" or "signs" that guide the reader through the paragraph, like a map. You should use signal words like for example and for instance to show the reader that you are giving an example or detail to support one of your three main points. Finally, at the end of the paragraph, you need to begin the concluding sentence with a word like in conclusion, in summary, or to conclude  and then summarize the main ideas in the paragraph. For example, you can restate the topic sentence in different words. In conclusion, a good rule for writing good paragraphs is to follow "the rule of three" and use signal words to make it easy for the reader to find the three parts.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First of all, I would like to say that I am really interesting about this method of article you wrote for us which is the best way to review our lessons. Second, I believe that every one of us follows the rule of three and uses the signal words can make a good paragraph, not perfect because we are just a beginner of writing class. finally, I hope to continue writing like I am doing right now as comment about my instructor article for all the semester .... thank you

    1. Thank you for your good comment. Think about it. Many powerful things are built from threes. The sides of pyramids are triangles.

  3. Well dressed Mr.B at least a struggling writer has a fighting chance with that power of three in paragraph. Meaning the topic sentence, the body, and concluding sentence.

    1. Yes, three is the key! Most of the best writers are not necessarily well dressed. Dressing well doesn't help a person write better...:)

  4. With using the 3 points in the paragraph and these pointer words I believe I will finally be understood. These pointers are great for me as a beginner to become better understood. I look forward to trying these in my next paragraph.

  5. Good to know the power of three is how important to make a perfect paragraph. Also important of understanding the signal word is giving a detail.

  6. The power of three and signal words is really help me to write a good paragraph, and help me to organize and order my paragraph too.
