Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cell phone slaves?

          I saw the image below on the Internet the other day and starting thinking about cell phones. When I look around and observe how most people use their cell phones, it makes we wonder if we are becoming addicted to our phones, or maybe we are becoming slaves to our cell phones and technology in general. On the college campus where I teach, I see that most of the students are constantly checking their cell phones for text messages, email, surfing the net, whatever. I don't see them talking to each other that much. Each of them is checking his or her cell phone and ignoring the people nearby. Most people have Smartphones. I have a Dumbphone for phone calls and text messages. I know a professor at Ivy Tech who doesn't own a cell phone. He borrows his wife's cell phone if he needs to make a call. Of course, technology makes our lives easier, but can we also become slaves to that same technology?  Is there a dark side of technology? Twenty years ago, no one had a cell phone. Now everyone has one. Is this a good thing?  What do you think?


  1. I think everybody should have a cell phone at least, but, shouldn't spend all the time on the cell phone. Sometime cell phone is crucial for us when the emergency.

  2. Good comment. Cell phones can be a good thing.

  3. Is truth the technology makes our lives easier, but the bad things too many people died in accidents trying to answer o text, be smart and don't be addict a cell phone

    1. You're right! Driving while texting is more dangerous than driving while drinking.

  4. I support your Idea because I need to just change emergency and needed things from others only but most people they waste time on smart cellphone like watching movie,etc

    1. Those are the people who are addicted to their cell phones, like slaves...:(

  5. Yes, people waste a lot of time texting.

  6. yes you are right,if exaggerated to using cell phone it becomes a undesirable, because all the technology have negative side .but in the same time we can't left it ,because the phone it very necessary now ,we use it in a lot of things.

    1. So maybe we need to control the cell phone and let it control us...

  7. To be honest cell phones are cool, because they provide more possibilities to communicate with other people. And yet I don't understand people use them so often.

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  9. I have a smartphone. I use it when I have a free time to communicate with my family and my friends. I don't like to spend a long time on my cellphone.

  10. This thing is the result of progress in advanced technology, and this fact must accept it because communication is easy to become so some people do not care about what is happening around him!

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  12. In every things, over ( too much) is not good idea. Eating too much, drinking too much, walking too much, sleeping too much, watching too much, reading too much. Too much spending your time in a phone is very bad.

    1. We have a saying. All things in moderation. We need balance in life.

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  15. I think that it is not a problem to have a cell phone or smartphone, but also it is very important to know how to use it. Now lifestyle and technology work together. So it is not easy to live without technology or cell phone because of many reasons.
    Thank you Mr. B.

    1. You're right. Many different technologies have become necessary to live in the modern world.
