Thursday, February 26, 2015

Think before you drink (opinion paragraph)

       There are many good reasons not to drink alcoholic beverages. Having said that, I think it is okay to drink a glass of wine, a beer, or a glass of champagne at a social event from time to time, but drinking excessively, every day is not a good thing, for the following reasons. First, alcohol is a drug, and if you drink too much of it, you will become addicted, an alcoholic. This means that you can't go without a drink for more than a day or two without feeling sick and craving a drink. I think we would all agree that it's not a good thing to be addicted to anything, whether it is alcohol, cocaine, or work. When we are addicted, the thing controls us, we don't control the thing. Second, drinking too much can cause chaos in your life. For example it can make you to miss work if you are drunk or have a hangover, and maybe even lose your job, have family problems,  get a divorce and lose your family. Is a drink worth that risk?  Finally, excessive drinking is bad for your body. For instance, every drink that you take destroys brain cells.   And alcohol causes damage to the liver over time. Many people who have been alcoholics for years die early when they get cirrhosis of the liver and their liver stops functioning. I guess that's why they call it a "liver." Excessive drinking actually causes little holes to form in your liver, making the organ look like a piece of Swiss cheese. In conclusion, it's alright to have a drink at a special occasion every once in a while, or a glass of wine with a meal occasionally, but if you drink to excess, you will become addicted.  it will cause chaos in your work and family life, and over time it will damage your brain and liver, two organs that you cannot live without. Think before you drink.    



  1. This is my opinion too. I used to drink alcohols, now I quit because of my health. But, I miss sometime when it is cool outside!

    1. Most people like to drink cold alcoholic drinks like Margaritas when it's hot outside in the summer.

    2. drink alcohol causes several medical issues and probably you can lost everything your family, job and your integrity, so don't drink' too much is the key. Thanks Mr. B.

  2. I greet whit you, drink excessive alcohol causes several medical issues like lost vision, liver function, sexual problems. I need make advice for my friend's. Excellent opinion paragraph Mr. B.

    1. It's more bad than good. But I think it's okay every once in a while, in small amounts.

  3. I agree with you. Have a beer or a glass of wine it's fine but drink a lot it's not healthy.

  4. MY opinion is almost the same. Mostly I drink alcohol Weekend with my friends but not excessive.

    1. I think it's okay to have a drink to relax a little. The problems start when people start drinking regularly and excessively.

  5. i never drank alcohol in my life because i can't do that in my religion even if i can do that i don't need even taste it because this not good for the health in general because it's going to destruction my body slowly
    ! so in my opinion i don't need it

    1. It's probably better to stay away from it altogether.

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  9. I haven't information about alcohol because I'm never try it because it not allowed in my religion but from your topic I think drink have a lot of negative things

    1. Yes, drinking has a lot of negative effects on the body and society.

  10. I don't know if there is any benefit from drinking alcohol .For instance, there are many disadvantages from drinking it, so I agree with your opinion Mr.B. think before you drink.

    1. If you are going to drive, you should definitely think before you drink. You could kill someone.

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  12. Most of people like to drink alcohol but this is bad habit so we have to help them to quit

  13. This good to talk about that because this habit can be destroy your life in one mistake. if you drink and drive your car and you kill some one can you know who is responsible for that you or your bottle ? .

    1. Accidents and deaths caused by drunk drives are just one of many negative things that alcohol can cause. You are responsible, not the bottle, because you decided to drink the bottle.

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  15. Idont have any idea about alcohol because I never try it before but i think there are lot of negative things

    1. That is probably a good idea because alcohol can lead to very bad things happening in in our lives.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Especially, for a women when they were pregnant it can cause serious problem. I used to drink when I get tired and even thought if I couldn't asleep.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Mr.B, I learn more about alcohol with you, and now I 'll continue to inform all my friends that alcohol is very bad, destroy the drinkers. It also may cause a death fatal. Thank you.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. I remerci God for giving me protect against alcohol. My family and I are never drank alcohol before because we learned that God said if you drink alcohol you missed the prayer on time and I hope that all people who drink alcohol know like you said drink one glass of wine or beer occasionally is OK or completely stop drinking. Alcohol is its consumers enemy,and I know you are telling the truth. And you are going to save many people through this article. May God bless you, and thank you very much for your help.

    6. If a pregnant woman drinks, takes drug, or smokes, her baby is doing the same thing inside her.

  18. I liked the article and would like to make my point through Comment: I do not know why when people neglect of drinking alcohol when they fall simplest problems? Or at least why resort to solve their problems through drinking! ,, It is strange that there is no alcohol in it any benefit only numb the mind and have a sense of awareness and a little bit, so we find in the heavenly religions prohibition of drinking alcohol because it is detrimental to humans and affect the life!

    1. If a person can have one drink (maybe one glass of wine), it doesn't do any harm and makes them feel a little happy. That's my opinion. the problems start when the person has another glass and then the whole bottle.

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  20. I can not drink alcoholic, because it is not allowed in my religion. Also, if drinking alcoholic is allowed in my religion, I will never drink or test it because all those disadvantage.

    1. That's a good way to look at it. It generally not good for people of any religion or belief.

  21. Alcohol make your dream and your family can destroyed. For examples if you drug a lot you can get dieses and bad health, if you're not healthy, you can't support your family or your dream never come true.

    1. Yes, some people say that alcohol and drugs can lead you to the highway to Hell.

  22. well alcohol is good for human health and i don't drink any kind of alcohol but I know that some quantity of alcohol is good for health and persists some diseases.

    1. Medical research in France has shown that a glass of red wine everyday can help lower cholesterol and help heart health. Apparently, the red wine that the French drink lowers their cholesterol levels.

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  24. An alcoholic will continue to drink even when faced with negative consequences, such as losing a job,negative behavior, mental disorder,selfishness and pride, physical health issue.

    1. I don't agree. Many alcoholics are able to stop drinking. I know some who have quit.

  25. Alcohol is necessary for human being. It is medicine for somebody but If you drink too much it become poison for you. It depending on the user.

    1. Necessary? That would mean that all humans must drink. This is not true. Many don't. Food and water are necessary for human beings to live. Alcohol isn't.

    2. How about "Drug", it is necessary. That is fact. That's why, medicine and alcohol is one kind of drug.

    3. Yes, alcohol is a drug. Maybe alcohol is good when it is in some medicine prescribed by a doctor, like cough syrup. I drink a beer sometimes to relax, or enjoy a beer with a friend. I don't need a doctor's prescription for that, just an ID that shows that I am 21 years old..:)

  26. Drinking too much alcohol is bad for us health.

  27. Yes, it's probably better to avoid drinking alcohol!

  28. It very dangerous when people drive cars after they drink alcohol some accident related to drunk driving and causes liver problems damage the pancreas heart, and brain. And people will have chronic alcoholism and drinking can cost a lot of money.

  29. This is a big problem in my country. 80% of young people drink a lot in my country.
