Friday, March 27, 2015

Ex Machina and the future

          Have we created a monster by making robots that have Artificial Intelligence (AI)?   Some very smart people who started the information technology revolution, like Steve Wosniak, Apple co-founder and Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, are starting to have second thoughts about a future with intelligent robots.  They worry that robots of the future could become smarter than humans and decide that humans should no longer be in charge. They see two possible scenarios; either the robots decide that humans are no longer necessary and destroy them, or the robots make humans their slaves. Both of these scenarios are scary to us humans, of course. My opinion is that although robots may become smarter than humans at some time in the future, they will never have what makes us human--souls. So it's hard to see how robots will ever have qualities like emotions, feelings, creativity, courage, caring, and a conscience, or example. These are some of many human characteristics that make us human and don't seem to depend on intelligence, either human or artificial. There is a new movie coming out soon, called Ex Machina, that explores the future of robots and AI.  You can click here to watch a trailer about the movie.  It looks like an interesting movie and I'm sure it will cause much debate.  I am eager to watch the movie when it is released. The future is difficult to predict. That's why it can be both fun and scary to think about. What do you think about the future, robots and AI? 


  1. robots are building to be smart but like you said we as human be have a lot characteristics. We have the privilege to have feelings and most of the time we go by our feelings.

    1. I think we perform best as humans when we use both our intelligence and our feelings, our heads and our hearts, as they say. Is this a movie that you would like to see?

  2. It really sounds crazy, but I don't think robots will be smarter that humans, they will be able to think about the information they have in their "brain", but they won't have the ability to create new thing, I mean they can not think beyond that which is already created. the other hand, we have feelings and we can find better solutions. The movie looks great, I will see it too.

    1. I can't imagine falling in love with a computer...

  3. I was talking to my cousin Diego about it, because I really have no idea about AI, he said robots may be able to take better decisions, because they learn by mistakes and they can evaluate all possible outcomes.

    1. That is what the AI experts are saying, that robots with AI learn and may someday be smarter than us. Hmmm.

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  6. Nothing can be more smarter than human and nothing can be more danger than human if we worry about the future we must worry from same human who change to robot I believe who try to destroy them, or make humans their slaves. is one of humans not a robots. everyone who know what's going on the world will understand what I'm talking about

    1. Yes, I think we need to worry more about humans than robots, right now anyway...

  7. Come down everybody don't be panic is normal. The science need to continued for example. Amazon use advance technology (Robots to picking orders) They substitute hundreds of human works in Florida. But the point is the robot always it is controlling for human hands and probably will be continue.

  8. The robots cannot make as slaves because we make it our own brain, hand, and machine.

    1. I hope you are right! I don't want to be a slave.

  9. In my opinion, Artificial Intelligence would be a good advance in the future. If humans created it to make our life more easier. On another hand,if humans created and use it for unclear and suspicious things, I might be scared about our next generation.

    1. So you don't think robots with AI could take over the world?

  10. In my opinion, creating robot in the next generation will somehow help we the human. Because we can use the robot for wars front and that will reduce the people who are killed during wars.

    1. So robots will get killed in wars, but not humans? Can you kill a robot? Or do you destroy a robot? Many questions about the future.

  11. I'm worries about that the Ex Machine will become really crucial in manufactures and take up all the human works. But, in some place, they are benefit for humans.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Right now robots are good. But we don't know about the future.

  13. I agree with the rest of the colleagues on whether to actually robots will reach to this stage! .. In my opinion that any mutation get in electronic devices, scientists alone face of these problems, for assumption !

  14. I agree with the rest of the colleagues on whether to actually robots will reach to this stage! .. In my opinion that any mutation get in electronic devices, scientists alone face of these problems, for assumption !

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. In my opinion,robots are building to be smart but I don't think robots will be smarter that humans, they able to think about the information its have in their "brain", but they dont have the ability to create new thing,

  16. i think the reboot going to be more helpfull in the future. and more useful. its going to be like the computer in thiese days

  17. i think the reboot going to be more helpfull in the future. and more useful. its going to be like the computer in thiese days

  18. The robot will never be smarter than the humans, the humans made it to make special works not every thing and it does not have a brain like the humans

  19. Now i want to watch the movie, looks interesting. Always when we think about I.A and the pros. and conts,it sounds like an apocalyptic future is waiting for us. I don't know if scientists are scared too. Have you ever seen or read the book "The Matrix"?
