Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Adventures in Mexico: Part 2

          After we finished our first delicious lunch in Mexico, Mark and I headed on down the road towards Mexico City, several hundred miles to the south.  We wanted to get there in a couple of days, so we decided to drive until midnight. We didn't know what a surprise was waiting for us.
         At midnight we got to a small town with one motel, so we decided to stop and sleep there. It wasn't a very nice motel, but it was cheap. We were very tired, so we went right to sleep. About three o'clock in the morning, I woke up when I felt something run across my face. Something with soft little feet. I was terrified. I sat straight up in bed, turned on the light, and saw a rat the size of a cat run across the floor and into a hole in the wall. I remember it had a long tail with no hair.
        So I yelled at Mark to wake up, that there was a rat in the room. I explained to him what had happened. We kept on all the lights in the room for the rest of the night and sat up in our beds talking and reading books we had brought. And watching that hole in the wall. We couldn't go back to sleep.
        We were still tired at seven in the morning, but decided to get up and hit the road. We didn't even stop to complain to the motel manager. After our experience at the cafe the day before,  we thought we probably wouldn't be able to explain in Spanish what had happened anyway.
       That was the second funny thing that happened to us on our road trip to Mexico.  It wasn't funny at the time, but it is now!

Royalty Free RF Clipart Illustration Of A Gray Rat With A Pink Tail In Profile


  1. I hate rates and bugs, I would've left right away in the middle on of night (after washing my face with alcohol of course)

    1. We thought about leaving right then, but we were too tired to keep driving. I did wash my face, with water and soap...

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  4. As you got terrible that the rate crossed your face in Mexico in Malaysia when I was sleeping the bugs crossed my face too. I felt how you might have been upset at a motel.

    1. I hate rats more than bugs, but I don't like either one of them, especially crawling across my face!

  5. When I was a child, I saw snake in my house. I really hate snakes, when ever I saw, I killed them. Definitely, that snake got killed by me.

    1. I hate snakes more than rats. I prefer to have a rat go across my face while I am sleeping than a snake!

  6. Usually cheap motels, contain a lot of problems, including hygiene and lack of attention to the customer

    1. I agree. In this case, it was the only motel in town. We had no choice.

  7. I hate rate and all insects and the same thing happen to me when I rent new apartment I can not sleep in the night but now I change my apartment it was tough experience for me and my family so I know what you felt

  8. I hate rate and all insects and the same thing happen to me when I rent new apartment I can not sleep in the night but now I change my apartment it was tough experience for me and my family so I know what you felt

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  10. I am afraid of rats. And I considered it dirty, because it lives in the sewage. When I was living in Baghdad there are many rats outside my home. One day a rat got inside my room from the window. the rat was big and scary. He bit the curtain and got inside my closet.So I was very scared. Finally my husband killed the rat.

  11. l don't like rat ,your story is fun

  12. It is funny now, but it wasn't funny on the night it happened..:(

  13. it is funny, it is normal thing with me when I live in Vietnam. I and my cousin rented a small house when we was in college. when turned off the light we alway heard something run on the wall, sometime i feel something eat my feet... hihi. but i wasn't nervous, I didn't think about this and sleep.

    1. It was eating your feet?! What was it?

    2. hihi, my cousin told me she saw a little mouse.... but I was sleeping, i'm not sure what was it.

  14. Woa Jeff I think you and your friend should wait for Tom (the cat) maybe that was Jerry the rat :) .
    That is an experience you'll never forget

    1. You are right! I will NEVER forget that night and that RAT!

  15. It was not funny Mr. Burnham at that time because you had not sleep and were scared.In Africa this is nothing. I would have laughted even at that time. I am almost sure, if you have explained your adventure to the owner of the motel, he would have been polite before you and your friend, but laughted behind you. I really laughted when I was reading the story. This is a good experience you should tell to your grandchildren.

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    1. That is a good experience you 'll never forget that hard night I don' like rat.

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  21. I´ve known people that have left from there anger because of rats over populated everywhere.
