Thursday, April 2, 2015

Adventures in Mexico: Part 3

          A couple more days on the road after leaving the motel and rat behind, Mark and I finally reached Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, and continued our adventure.  It is one of the largest cities in the world, with more than 20 million inhabitants. There were skyscrapers everywhere. We had no idea it would be so big. If you have ever been to New York City, Mexico City is larger and a lot more difficult to drive in because everyone drives so fast and no one obeys the traffic rules and signs, not even the cops. Mexico City was an exciting end to our adventures in Mexico.
         To avoid driving in this crazy traffic, we parked my car to visit different parts of the city using the subway (Metro), which is very modern, clean, cheap, and has lines that go everywhere in the city. When we got down in the Metro, we were looking around, and we had no idea how to get a ticket or where to go.  I'm sure we looked very confused and frustrated.
         After a few minutes, a short, old man with white hair walked up to us and in perfect English said, "Are you boys lost?"  We couldn't believe it. We told him that, yes, we were very lost.  He offered to show us around the city on the Metro. We followed him. We were a little scared because we didn't know him and thought he might be taking advantage of us. We traveled with him on  different lines of the Metro to different interesting places like Chapultepec Park, the Zoo, the Museum of Anthropology, and the National University of Mexico as he explained everything like a tour guide. We were getting hungry and found out that people in Mexico usually eat lunch around 2pm. He took us to a cafe he liked and ordered for us. The food was delicious. When we finished, he asked for the check, and told the waiter "Traeme la cuenta y un policia" which means "Bring me the check and a policeman." It was a joke. The waiter laughed and brought him the check. This kind man (I can't even remember his name) paid the bill and asked us if we had a hotel to stay in. We didn't. He said, "You can have dinner and stay at my home tonight if you'd like. I live on the outskirts of the City."
          Mark and I looked at each other. Could we trust this stranger?  Why was he being so nice to us?  We decided to accept his invitation. After all, we didn't have hotel reservations yet. He drove us in his old Volkswagen (at that time, almost everyone in Mexico drove Volkswagens) to his small home, in a poor area outside the city. We met his wife and six children and tried to use our best Spanish to talk with them, but the man had to interpret for us most of the time.
          We found out that he had lived in the US for many years when he was a young man, so that's why he spoke such good English. His oldest son was a motorcycle policemen and was living there with his family,  too. He showed us his motorcycle. We had a delicious dinner, spent the night, and the next morning the man drove us back to Mexico City and said goodbye. We thanked him for all that he had done for us. We offered to pay him, but he wouldn't take our money.
          To sum up, this was the best part of our Mexican adventure, visiting the capital of Mexico. We never saw this kind man again. I believe he might have been a guardian angel. Whether he was real or a guardian angel, we learned from him how kind and generous Mexican people are. I will never forget the experience.

Clipart Of A Pop Art Comic Book Styled Scene Of City Skyscrapers Royalty Free Vector Illustration


  1. the traffic is very crazy in India people don't obey the rules.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This reminds me of back home where stop signs and traffic lights are used for decoration because no one stops at a red light!

    1. hahahaha. In Mexico City the stop lights are more like Christmas decorations...

  4. You're so lucky to met him, I had once experience like that kinder same. when I was lose my ways in downtown one of I.U student was came and show me how my ways.

    1. There are lots of good and kind people out there, and even some guardian angels....

  5. I heard that Mexico City is one of the Largest city in North America. It is good to know how big the city and people were nice. If I has a chance, I am planning to visit there one day.

    1. To be honest, many people in Mexico City are not very nice. They are like many people in New York City. They are in a hurry, don't want to both with strangers, and just want to go to their work and home.

  6. you guys were very lucky to met a good person and spoke very well in English. A human life is really important and thought they must change the traffic rules so, the people will more safe.

    1. He wasn't a person. He was a guardian angel, maybe.

  7. I should mention experience when we went me my brother to Tennessee at the invitation of a friend's,, but we lost our way and in same time we lost contact with our friend, but accidentally found a woman white American spent more than half an hour and is the guide us to the road, and we follow her cars, i didn't forget that wonderful attitude of this woman ..

    Jeff, I think there are a lot of good people in America, and we are lucky because we met them.

    1. There are a lot of good people in the US, and maybe some guardian angels floating around.

  8. Mr. B you and your friend were very lucky.Because you found a man or a guardian angle who offered to help you when you were lost. Could you imagine how your adventures with your friend would be without that kind man.

    1. Our adventures would have been very different. We probably would have been in trouble, lost in Mexico City, without this man/guardian angel.

  9. It's kind from him to over help to you. You are lucky we cant find a kind man like this at this days, you would be in troubles if you didn't meet this man

    1. Yes, I'm not sure if he was a man or a guardian angel.

  10. i have a question. how could u drive in Mexico? Do you need a international license?

    1. Good question. American tourists who have a tourist visa can drive in Mexico with a US driver's license.

  11. Lucky I will say. And you probably right it was an Angel.

  12. You guys had really lucky that found a nice person. It is really hard to beginning stay other countries.

    1. There are good people everywhere in the world.

  13. The lord doesn't forget sons.

  14. Fantastic! Mr. Burnham!Good experience, full of lesson to learn and use. Life becomes so hard nowadays, and people untrustable than we forget the few people who can be wonderfully kind and amazing. I n Africa, we usually find people like that. They know and believe in human being's values. Through this man, you should see the humanity in general, not Mexico only.

  15. Some time life is like that we always meet good person to help us .

    1. There are always good people, and maybe guardian angels, out there to help us when we have problems.

  16. There are a lot of good people in Latino America. Is a hard to believe, because is very rare that any stranger invite to another stranger to sleep to the house. I'm glad that this history have a happy ending.

    1. Yes, a story with a happy ending is a good story.

    2. Yes, a story with a happy ending is a good story.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It is important to visit fore in countries to know other people and even other cultures I think Mexico City is very interesting to visit and to see that many people there have 20 million inhabitants and how they live. To have ideas about Mexican culture in I see from your experience Mexicans are nice which you take example from the gentle man helped you actually there is many other people in Countries who do good with strangers bat not everyone.

  19. that's hilarious. I know your Spanish now is excellent. one day you should visit Colombia.
