Thursday, May 6, 2010

Is Baseball Dying?

It seems that interest in baseball is slowing declining over the years. I think there are several reasons for this decline. I remember in the 1950s and 1960s all the kids like me loved to watch and play baseball and collect and trade baseball cards of famous players. We knew all about players like Mickey Mantle and Roger Marris. I don't see many kids doing that anymore. Baseball is a slow game, and lacks the action and speed of basketball, footbal, and soccer. Our lives have been speeded up by technology with the Internet, cell phones, Twitter, and so on. We want everything fast. Fast food and fast sports. Baseball is not a fast game. I was listening to a radio sports talk show today and a writer for ESPN was talking about how over the years baseball is becoming slower, with more pitches, more walks, and fewer hits. Most people are not patient enough anymore to sit and watch a baseball game. There is action, but between the action the players stand around a lot. We want action and excitement. That is not what baseball is about. I think in the future, as action-oriented games like football, soccer, basketball, and hockey become more popular, baseball will slowly fade into the past as a game of the 1900s. That would be a shame, but it looks like that is exactly what is happening. A slow death for a nice, slow sport.


  1. 老师:It is sad that someday baseball will fade away, but I have to agree that I don't the patience to sit and watch a whole full baseball game since it is slow. Nevertheless, I don't want baseball to be forgotten, Hopefully someday the record of baseball history will refresh our memories that people can enjoy.

  2. i do agree about what you said that the baseball sport is getting to fade away because the new generation is more interested to other sports, like soccer, basket ball. what i see now is the society structure is changed, It used to be 80 per cent white, " Irish and British". now we have Latinos who brought their own culture included soccer. play station and television keep the kids to stay away from practicing this sport.the question is how to make people come back to the fields?. i think is to add or replace the rules to make this sport more exciting and fun.

  3. Yes the baseball game is slow sport, but it famous sport in the world, anyway. it is palyed in China, Australia, canada, India, and America. I have any idea about rules Mr Jeff.

  4. i agree with khalid when he said that the society structure has changed and ethnics like latinos brouth their own cultures and consequently theirs games .soccer for instance never been an american sport and it won't be . the cause is americain are always changing things just to attributes to them soccer in america is more a women'sport than a man which drive me crazy and in some cities troughout indiana practissing soccer is becames a sign of wealth!crazy crazy

  5. hi
    i was wondering if someone has read the book (when the game was ours) it's a nice book i recommend it for every one including you jeff hopefully that will help you to forget you cat's death.
    the entire book is all about lary bird and magic jonhson,and how a feroce rivallity for a years became a faitfull frinship after magic got sick and contracted H.i.V .

  6. Jia, Khalid, Said, and Brahim,

    Thanks for all your comments. Maybe baseball isn't dying after all...:) You all get 20 points of extra credit for visiting my blog and commenting.

