Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Brother Bruce

My older brother Bruce lives in Arizona. He owns a trading post on the Navajo Indian Reservation and recently was appointed a county judge. He is an interesting person and has lived an interesting life. I have two brothers (Bruce and Harold) and two sisters (Gail and Debbie). I love all of them, but the one I feel closest to is Bruce. This is because when my father died when I was 15 years old, Bruce, who is ten years older than me, took over as like a father substitute. He spent time with me, took me fishing, hunting, and camping and even taught me how to drink a beer. He actually seems like more of a father to me than my own father. I love Bruce in a special way and stay in touch with him better than I do with my other siblings, although I love them too, of course.

One of the things that I love about Bruce is that he is open minded and can see both sides of just about any issue. I'm sure that makes him a good judge. When I called him last week to ask what he thought about the new Arizona immigration law, he paused and said that he could see both sides, and why people have strong feelings on both sides of the issue. That's just about what I figured he would say, and one reason I love him so much, Bruce my brother/father.


  1. Jeff , after what happened in Arizona state,how can we stop this immigration law to spread out to other states?. i think this is the beginning of a new politic game of the republicans in order to twist barrack Obama arms.

  2. That is tough love, anyways he is your brother you couldn't hate him. I wish i could have a brother like him; but i have a little brother he bothers me all the time and i love him. Maybe i should be like your brother and in the future my little brother could talk about him like this, i will be so proud of myself and him too. It is beautiful when brothers like each other like this.

  3. Khalid,

    You are right. It is a political game. Thanks for your comments. Twenty extra credit points for you.


  4. Reginald,

    Maybe your brother will talk about his big brother in the future like I talk about mine. Have patience with him and do things with him that he likes to do.

    Twenty points extra credit. Thanks for your comments.


  5. Hi brother, this your other brother, I enjoy your blog. Have you read "Old Man and the Sea"?

  6. Hi Harold,

    Yes I've read that book. I didn't like it as much as The Sun Also Rises and other Hemingway novels. Not sure why. Thanks for reading my blog and commenting. I'm facing extreme pressure from my daughters to set up a Facebook account, but I am resisting so far...:) I already spend too much time online.



  7. Happy Birthday,belated,brother.

  8. Harold,

    A belated thank you to you, brother! I enjoyed the day with my family and friends.

