Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The iPad

I'm not a power user of technology, but I think I can spot a technology product of dubious value and a limited life expectancy. That's how the iPad strikes me. It seems that Apple produced this new digital tablet because "it could." On one of the late night talk shows recently, the host was joking that people would purchase the iPad just to see what it is. Not a strong product endorsement. My daughter's boyfriend knows a lot about technology. He always has an iPhone in his hand and is constantly checking for text messages from his buddies, e-mail, and searching the Internet to find answers for whatever we happen to be talking about. I asked him about the iPad. With a look of disdain, he said the iPad doesn't do anything more than his iPhone does and he couldn't stick it in his pocket like his iPhone (not that he ever does). I guess Apple has sold a lot of iPads, but something tells me they might not be around long. But I could very well be wrong, especially about technology.

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