Saturday, August 7, 2010

Best Way to Learn a Second or Foreign Language?

Is there one best method to learn a language? If you are a child, I'd say it's the immersion method. Living the language, children learn a second language about the same way they learned their native language. If you are an adult (post-puberty, more or less) learning a second or foreign language, it's a different story. There are so many different variables involved, that it's hard to say what would be the best method. Here are some of the possible variables: the learner's motivation, personality type, aptitude for language learning, learning style, what language the learner is hearing and speaking outside class, how the learner views the language being learned, the teacher's personality and style, the teaching materials. These are only a few of many variables involved in language learning. So when asked what the best method is to learn a language, maybe the best answer is "it depends."


  1. Thanks for clearing that up, Jeff. :)

  2. Hi Jeff,

    I think that the best way to learn a new language is living in a place where only that language is spoken. Living in a place where nobody speaks your native language. If you do not have a person to talk in your language, there is no choice. YOU MUST TO LEARN their language.

  3. Hi Sandra,

    I couldn't agree with you more!

    How are you? How was your summer? Thanks for visiting my blog. As you can see, I haven't been writing every day...:) Maybe it's the hot weather?


  4. I believe that immersion is still probably the best way to learn a language. But, as I stated in a previous blog, not always possible. So we have required and requested methods. In High School, I was required to take a language. Hence, I was not that interested=not learning. Later years, I chose to take a language=big difference. The power of the mindset, it seems to make a difference for me. I only hope that I can apply that to other areas.

  5. I thinks it will be helpful for learning others language.

    1. Learn as if You’re (Really) Young
    2. Watch Movies
    3. Go Shopping
    4.Watch Movies
    5. Speak as Much as You Can
