Friday, June 24, 2011

Writing Basics: Have something to say

When I teach writing skills to ESL students, one of the first things I tell them is that they need to have something interesting or valuable to say before they start writing. We all have different knowledge and experiences to share with readers. If we can write something that helps the reader learn something new, or think about something in a different way, we have done our job as writers. Because ESL students come from many countries, with different cultures and languages, they have different perspectives that will be interesting to read about.

So start with what you know!


  1. I like writing and reading as well. Writing for me is a relaxing activity that relief my stress and at the same time help me improving my English and increases my vocabulary.

  2. Being a writer is not an easy thing but as musch as you keep on practicing, u're not just gonna make it but u're gonna make it right. Nice one Jeff

  3. That's so really difficult writing for the very first time in english for ESL students. But as we take these wrting and reading classes we learn more.

  4. Keep reading, and writing, in English.

  5. That is so true, the most difficult thing in writing is knowing what you are going to write about. when you know what you are writing about that means your almost done, or at least it works that's how it works for me.
