Tuesday, December 9, 2014

My worst nightmare

        Sometimes, when I am under stress, I have the same nightmare.  Some people call dreams like this stress dreams. In my dream, I have to take a final exam in order to graduate from college. I sit down and look at the test, and realize that I don't know any of the answers to the questions. I look around at the other students, who are answering questions and look fine. This makes me panic. I look back at the test. I realize I don't even understand the questions on the test. I start to sweat, and my heart starts beating fast. What am I going to do?  If I don't pass this test, I won't be able to graduate from college. The teacher says that we only have 30 more minutes to complete the test, and I haven't answered one question yet. At this point in the dream, I usually wake up. I am sweating and feel a terrible panic. Then I slowly realize it was just a dream, and that I graduated from college many years ago. It was just a dream. Only a dream.  It takes me a few minutes to get rid of the bad feelings from the dream. In conclusion, it is hard to understand dreams and especially dreams like this one that repeat. Have you ever had a nightmare like this?

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