Monday, December 8, 2014

Writing a summary-response essay

      When someone goes to a movie or reads a book, and you want to know what it was about, you say, "How was the movie?" or "How was the book?"  Maybe you want to know a little bit about the book/movie to help you decide if you are going to read the book or watch the movie.  So if someone asks you that question, they don't want a long, 30 minute,  detailed description of the movie or book, they just want a short summary, a couple of minutes speaking or a few paragraphs writing. They want you to summarize the book or movie's main points (not details) in a few words and give your opinion about what you liked or didn't like.

     My daughters like to watch movies. When I ask them about a movie, they think they have to give me all the details from beginning to end. I have to stop them after a few minutes and say, "Could you just give me the short version, and please don't tell me the ending?"  I'm asking them for a summary of the movie and their response, if they liked it or not, and why. That's all. I don't need to know all the details. I'll get those if I decide to see the movie.

     That is basically what you do when you write a book report essay. You write a summary of the book and then evaluate the book, telling what you like, or didn't like, and why. And don't give away the ending, especially if it has a surprise ending. Then the reader won't even want to read the book if they already know the ending.


  1. Thank you Jeff I think this hint will help me for the book report summary.

  2. i agree jeff, the summarize is a main idea for book or movie like it or don't like it, and give the listen short idea. i think this hint help me for write summary report for my book.

  3. You right Mr. B when someone told you about a movie you don't want to listen all the movie you just want to know what the movie is about just in a short version, also thank you for the advice how to write a summary

    1. You're welcome. Good luck writing your book report.

  4. You right Jeff. When my friends share with me about a movies that i haven't watch, they don't shared the summary of movies. They shared the whole movies like I am watch that movies already. When i watch that movies, i know what is going to happen. I realize that i shouldn't watch that movie to waste my time.

    1. Next time, just ask them to give you a summary, the "short version."

  5. thats right. i agree with everything i just read. the summry its like the whole subject but in shorter way

  6. Sometimes to make a summary is very hard, but with practice everything is possible. One example could be the very general summary of the book the i am reading for class " The Hobbit " The general idea is " The battle between the good and the evil ".

  7. "Focus" the movie I saw is about the life of a gangster planning steals of any kind and lying at all levels.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Tuesdays with Morrie was about a love between a professor and his student, and how after he graduated he visited him every Tuesday until he died.

  10. Very understandable and very clear information right there. Summary is pretty much giving the brief story about the whole movie or a book, you don't have to copy and past the whole story. Thanks for the clear information.

  11. Thank you Jeff for the details about summarizing a book or movie. It is helpful. I always want to give more information when I was summarizing a book or movie, but now I think I will do better.

  12. i'm agree with you Mr. B, you don't' need to talk about the all summary with a lot of detail also the ending of story, you just tell them some ideal in novel or movie is general or some good hook, so they feel interesting, they want to read what happen next.

  13. summary is a short message and the way you understand very things in short time.
