Friday, September 28, 2018

Fall: My favorite season of the year

     Most people like Fall more than the other three seasons.  I love the Fall because it comes after the heat and humidity of the Summer.  By August, I am tired of the hot Summer, and looking forward to the cooler days of the Fall. I like Fall for three main reasons: football, the festivities and holidays, and special Fall food.

     First, I love to watch football in the Fall, which starts in September. I like to watch my town's high school football games. I like to watch college games on the television. I watch NFL games on the television on Sundays.  My favorite NFL teams are the Indianapolis Colts and the Los Angeles Chargers, who used to be the San Diego Chargers. I just love the football in the Fall.

     Second, I love all the special festivities and holidays in the Fall, like Halloween at the end of October, Thanksgiving in November, and Christmas in December. December is really the end of the Fall and the beginning of the cold and snowy Winter, which I don't like too much. I love the cool weather of Fall. So I like the Fall because of the festivities and the change of the weather.

     Finally, I like all all of the special food that we have in the Fall. We eat a lot of delicious food in the Fall, different kinds of candy for Halloween, hot dogs and beer at the football games, turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, and a lot of special pies and other delicious desserts for Christmas.

     In summary, Fall is my favorite season of the year for many reasons, but mainly because of football, special festivities and Fall food. What is your favorite season of the year, and why?

Red leaf Maple colorful in winter Royalty Free Stock Photography


  1. The fall its my favorite season, I just love the weather and everything about fall.

  2. I also like fall a lot, in fact it is my favorite seanson of the year because the weather is perfect and the color in the trees is beautiful, but for me the best part of fall is the way and the type of clothes we can use. 🍁🍂

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Eduard, I like to wear vests and sweaters in the fall. Mr. B

  5. It's depends because for me a best season is summer! Your point on fall is too interesting I need may be to see with your eyes! Fabrice Ngahadjo

    1. I don't like the Summer too much. Too hot and humid.

  6. My favorite season is Fall because I like to watch full of colors on the trees and I like the cool weather.

    1. Most people say that Fall is their favorite season, like you and me!

  7. Nice, but I prefer winter because it's cold and every building and other turn to white (brighter) looks like Heaven. :)

    1. Winter is too cold for me! I don't like the ice on the roads.

    2. Winter might look like heaven, but it's as cold as Hell!
      Mr. B

  8. For me..spring is my favorite season.

    1. Spring is kind of like Fall, cool and beautiful, so I like Spring too. Mr. B

    2. I like Spring, too. It's kind of like Fall. Not hot and not cold.
      Mr. B
