Friday, September 7, 2018

The Writing Process and Number 7

       Did you know that the number seven is considered a lucky number in American culture?  Four leaf clovers and horse shoes are also lucky. The number seven is important in betting, for example, in Las Vegas. If you get three 7's on a slot machine you might win a lot of money. Rainbows are lucky; they have seven colors. You get the idea. On the other hand, the number 13 is considered an unlucky number in the US.  Many hotels do not have a 13th floor! You follow seven steps to write a good essay: 1. Pick a topic, 2. Think about your topic and Brainstorm, 3. Create an outline, 4. Write the first draft using your outline, 5. Peer review, 6. Revise the first draft based on the peer review, 7. Write and proofread the final draft.  Follow these steps and you will write a good essay every time. Seven  is a lucky number. What is a lucky number in your country?  Are there any unlucky numbers? Are there lucky objects? 

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  1. Yes.. feel like number 7 is lucky number for all of us. number 5 and 7 are lucky numbers in my country . i think 6 and 13 are unlucky numbers.

  2. Thanks for your interesting comment. Who is this? So I can give you your extra credit points.

  3. yes!!! I think 7 it's my lucky number too 7 is my day of birth, my first daughter was born the day 7 and my second daughter was born on July (month 7) I'm feeling lucky :) Maria Rodriguez

  4. My favorite number is 7 , because I was born on September 7th. God made everythings in 6 days and He taking rest on seventh day.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Interesting!
    I did not know that till now. We all have our favorite thing which give us luck. Well at least I think that number 5 for me is a lucky number. I remember one day when I went to my aunt's house that she had a horseshoe on the door hanging and I remember that she told me that, that is for luck. I was like, oh yeah. She grew up In United States and that's why she has that habit. Also she had an elephant with ten dollar around the elephant nose.

  7. Josh, Why is 5 your lucky number, Josh.

    1. It is what I usually wear in my shirts when I play volleyball. And I use it every time and everywhere. I normally add it to my passwords and my year of born have a 5 too. Josh
