Friday, September 14, 2018

Showing Up

          There is an old saying, "Half of the battle is showing up!". This means that you can't "fight the battle" if you are not there, with your gun and ready to fight. What would happen in a war if only half of the Army showed up, and most of them didn't bring their rifles?  They would probably lose the battle, and maybe the war. The application of this saying in the workforce is that you can't work if you are not at your worksite. If you are getting married, it is very important for you to be there...:) In an educational context, it means that it is really important to attend classes. You miss a lot if you don't attend classes; you miss what is covered in class and you will fall behind.  So be sure to come to class every Friday, and if you can't for some reason, please let your instructor know. The students who show up are not always the "best" students, but they show up and do the work and get the best grades. . In conclusion, be sure to show up for class, work, doctor's appointments and other important things.


  1. It's true, I have missed a class in the second week after I started and the following week I was completely lost, also I didn't get my qualification for this class which make my grade lower, but from now on, I will be there every Friday. Maria Rodriguez.

  2. It's true, I missed a class in the second week after I started and the following week I was completely lost, also I didn't get my qualification for this class which make my grade lower, but from now on, I will be there every Friday. Maria Rodriguez

  3. Maria, Yes, showing up is half or more of the battle. Thanks for your comment. Mr. B
