Monday, November 3, 2014

Fall is my favorite season: a word picture paragraph

I have always thought that fall is the best season of the year. Below is a short paragraph giving three reasons why fall is my favorite season. In this paragraph I will try to describe the fall, creating word pictures in your mind.

                              Fall, My Favorite Season of All

          I love the four seasons, and there are good things about each of them, but for me fall is the best season for three main reasons. First of all, fall is the beginning of football season. I love to watch high school, college, and professional NFL games live and on TV.  I watch most of the games on TV. I am a big fan of the Indianapolis Colts, and never miss a game. Last year I even got to see a game at Lucas Stadium with my wife because a doctor who she works with gave her two tickets. Second, I love the fall festivities, beginning with Halloween and Thanksgiving and ending with Christmas and New Year's Eve. These are great times to spend with family and friends and enjoy delicious food and friendship. For example, I love Thanksgiving the last week of November because we eat delicious food like turkey, potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie. After eating so much, I usually have to lie down and take a nap in the afternoon, which is nice too. Finally, I love the fall foliage. The trees and bushes are so beautiful in October and November when the leaves turn so many different colors, like brilliant red, bright orange, purple, yellow and green. It seems like you see all of the colors of the spectrum when you look at the trees. It's a good time to take a drive in the country or take a walk in the woods or park to see all the colors in nature. In conclusion, for these reasons, and more, fall is the best season, for me. What is your favorite season?


  1. that's. right jeff, i like fall too.but my favorite seasons summer, because i love swim and stay out side .

  2. yeah, I agree for the third reason. I can see how is that beautiful when you see trees have different colors, but I like summer season.

  3. I never had been in fall season until now it's my first time to enjoy this season because in my country we just have a tropical weather like summer it's humid and really hot and a lot of raining in big part of the year. but now I think fall is so nice its like you wrote the leaves color turn in so many beautiful color and we can enjoy a walk at the park or around the house and see tree changing colors everyday. so here is my favorite season too.

    1. Take a walk in the woods and you will see how beautiful the color are right now, in the fall.

  4. yes, I am agree with you Jeff, each season has good things but i like more fall season. i don't like games but i like fall weather, it is not so cool or hot. so we can easily go outside. second thing is fall foliage, I like to see different colorful trees. and last things is festival of fall Halloween and thanksgiving.

  5. yes, I have to admit that the fall is beautiful, because you admire all the trees when the leaves start changing colors especially if you visit Brown County. But I am sorry to say summer is the best for me no need heavy coats or boots, you can run and walk in the park, barbecue and little humid wont hurt .

    1. I like summer too. I just don't like the humidity. Everything else, even the heat, is good.

  6. Hmmmm.. i like fall too.. but.. a lot of homework make me dumb.

  7. Yes I am agree with you Jeff. Fall is the best season because you can see the most beautiful colors what can make you go out and enjoy weather :) good job Jeff

  8. yes i am agree and i love fall season because of the colorful trees everywhere

  9. Jeff , Fall season is good though, As for me i would rather summer season than fall. During in summer i have much more times than other season not only we would have a lot of social activities those are church base activities ,several sport games and family barbecue party. I actually very enjoy to go the beach during in summer season so that i like summer season so much.

  10. Yes, I am agree with you Jeff, each season has good things. For me, summer rather than fall but I am agree with you the third reason because I love the fall foliage too. It was beautiful and also enjoyable time.
