Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veteran's Day

                  Veterans Day: Just Give Me the Steak Dinner, Please

       I have mixed feelings about Veterans Day. Every November 11th is Veterans Day.  I was in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1973 during the Vietnam War so I am a veteran.  I didn't want to join the Navy, but I was going to be drafted into the Army, and I didn't want to go to war and shoot at people and be shot at. I didn't, and don't,  have anything against the Vietnamese and Vietnam wasn't attacking the U.S. So I joined the Navy and went to Vietnam on an aircraft carrier. I didn't like being in the Navy. Now I am considered a Veteran, but I am not proud of what I did. Every year I can go to a restaurant and get a free dinner to thank me for my service. Last night I went to Applebees with my family and got a free steak dinner. The server said "Thank you for your service to protect our country." I said "Thank you for the steak dinner. It was good."  If a country, like Vietnam, attacked the U.S. directly, I would help to defend my country. But that wasn't the case. I have friends who went to Vietnam in the Army and got killed. I don't feel very good about that. These are high school friends I won't see again. I think the U.S. military and government sticks it's nose into a lot of places around the world when it is none of our business. If a country attacked the U.S. that would be a different story. So I am a Veteran. I have served our country. But, in conclusion, I really don't feel patriotic about what I did. In the U.S. I have the right of free speech to say anything I want about being a veteran. And that's a good thing.


  1. Jeff, I am proud of you that you have served as a Navy for protect of your country.I thought that you doesn't like Navy but you joined to Navy. It look like depend on the situation of army. I have one question, If either Iraq or Afghanistan against the the USA for war, are you whether join to the navy a gain or not?

  2. I joined the Navy because I was going to be drafted (no choice) into the Army. I only joined the Navy to avoid the Army.
    I would not go to Iraq or Afganistan to fight. It might be different if those countries attacked the US directly, but that isn't the situation.

  3. when I was on the way to work form,I heard that more than one million veterans were alive today on the radio. But I didn't realize that day was veteran day. Then, I left early to go to the bank to pay the bill. The bank was close, it wasted my money. I couldnt happy on that day too.
    By the way, I want to ask a question. You said that you were not proud of it. How about IS? They kill many innocent people. If you were still in the army today, will you proud to be a person to protect those innocent people who were killed by IS?

    1. They are not attacking the US. If they were attacking the US, I would fight against them out of self-defense, as I wrote in the paragraph.

  4. Hi Jeff I am sorry to hear about your high school best friend. I know how it feels, because I lost my high school best friend in national cervicise in my country too.

    1. The story had a happy ending, because I found him after 40 years because he found me on the internet.

  5. I'm sorry to hear that. At least you have good memories.
