Sunday, November 23, 2014


                            Everything is a Process, Including Writing

         Just about everything in life is a process. Life itself is a process, from birth to death, with many steps and stages along the way. Formal education is a process, from first grade or Kindergarten to high school or college graduation. Brushing your teeth is a process. Registering for a class is a process.  Going to the Etiquette Dinner at Ivy Tech on December 3rd is a process, from finding out about the event from an announcement in class and a flyer, deciding to go, going to the Bursar's office to buy a ticket, and then going to the event on December 3 at 6:00pm to eat a delicious dinner and enjoy the company of your friends, instructors, and other Ivy Tech students. Good writing is a process. In this class, we are learning how to write for academic purposes. With the paragraphs and essays that we write in class, we follow the writing process. Good academic writing, like all writing, begins in the mind, with thinking and planning, organizing those thoughts on paper in form of an outline, writing a first draft, receiving feedback and comments on that draft, going to the Learning Resource Center to make an appointment with a writing tutor to help you and give you feedback on improving your writing,  and then writing a final draft, making changes so your writing will be as good as possible, in both content, organization, and format. In conclusion, we  see that everything in life is a process, including those important things that we learn in college, like the writing process, which will help make us more successful in college and in our professional lives. 


  1. I agree with Jeff.Yes every singl thing in life has process for example to come to U.S.A has a lot of process.

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  3. yes, i am agree with you Jeff. because everything is one kind of process. what ever we do that all process and we follow it. when we joint school to our graduation, start our job to retie, and most important is our birth to death that all common process in our life.

    1. Birth to death is the proces that we all share. Or, like someone said, none of us get out of this alive..:)

  4. There are many steps along the way as we live our lives, from birth to death. Life is a process.

  5. Life is a process. That's a good way to look at it. So we should enjoy every step of the process as much as we can.
