Friday, July 2, 2010

Sports Metaphors and Life

Sports metaphors and sports quotes are often used in the business world, especially in sales. When I worked in sales in publishing, my manager was a big sports enthusiast who loved to use sports quotes and metaphors to motivate me and the other sales reps who worked for him to do our best. Sometimes when he started with the sports metaphors, we would just roll our eyes--here he goes again! People who talk and write about success, motivation, and self improvement often use sports quotes and metaphors. Here are some common examples.

Sports Quotes

"Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing." Vince Lombardi (NFL football coach)

"Sports is human life in microcosm." Howard Cosell (sports announcer)

"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming." (John Wooden, UCLA basketball coach who won more championships than any coach in any sport)

"Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character." (John Wooden)

Sports Metaphors

The one-two punch (boxing) (to do two powerful things to get the sale, etc.)
Leave it all on the field (football) (give all you have to win or be successful)
To choke (basketball) (to miss the shot because of nerves, to fail because of nerves)
To hit a home run (baseball) (Hit the ball over the fence and score a point, to do something really good in life or business to be successful)
Suck it up! (football) (even though you are tired, do all you can to win or succeed)
Do it for the team! (general) (put the success of the team ahead of your own success)

Do you have your own favorite sports quotes and metaphors that are used in business and life?


SPANISH RIDDLE Nada. (A fish swims (nada). A fish does nothing (nada).


  1. I don't know about sports quotes .I like swimming ,do you know something about swimming ?

  2. Serena,

    "Sink or swim" would be a good swimming metaphor about life. It would mean that you just have to do your best to do something and survive. This might mean doing something before you feel ready to do it. Just jump in and do your best!

    I like to swim. I think swimming is maybe the best all-around exercise because it exercises every muscle group in your body, it is good for aerobic training, and it is a no-impact activity so it is not hard on your joints. Plus it is fun and relaxing!

    Thanks for your comment!


  3. Don't throw in the towel. I think it's boxing. When you're so tired you want to quit, keep pushing to win or succeed.

  4. Beth,

    That is a good boxing metaphor I forgot to include. When the manager throws the towl in the ring, that means his boxer is done and the fight is over. So don't throw in the towl!

    Thanks for your comment!


  5. Beth,

    I know that towel isn't spelled towl. Not sure what happened in my comment above. I spelled it as towl two times. These comment boxes need a spell check for bad spellers like me..:)


  6. “There are three types of baseball players: those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happens.”

    **In bussiness world to get success, you have to be those who make it happen.**

  7. Yanuaria,

    In the business world, those people are called "movers and shakers."
