Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A day at the beach

     I lived in San Diego for four years. At first I loved it because the weather was always  so nice, not hot and not cold. There really weren't distinct seasons. After a couple of years I started to miss the four seasons that I had grown up with in northern New Mexico. I didn't want to go to the beach on Christmas Day. I wanted to play in the snow. Having no change of seasons got boring for me after a while.  I guess it's possible to have too much of a good thing. What do you think about the weather? Do you ever miss the weather back home where you grew up?


  1. Yes ,i really missed the weather back in my home .because we never had a snowing season always cool and raining .i love to play when raining because when it is raining that is when I and my friends always have time t

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  3. I really understand your feeling that" Having no change of seasons got boring for me after a while." I like four season. Spring represents hope, the activeness is in summer, the harvest belongs to fall ,and the expectation is armed by in winter.. I went to San Diego once but I don't like there, I enjoy to live in Midwest of America

    1. Did you grow up with four seasons where you are from in China?

  4. that's why i miss my country so much because the weather overthere is hot and you can go to the beach any day you want and you can enjoy the beautiful view, the food,music, with you family and friends

    1. DR sounds a little like San Diego, but San Diego isn't as hot.

  5. when I came to the U.S, I miss the greasy weather in winter in my hometown. Because the smell is home .

    1. Sherry, What do you mean by "greasy" weather?

  6. It was surprise for me to know the United State have four season.

  7. Who is this? Check your Follower profile to see why it says Unknown.
