Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thinking about writing, writing about thinking

Everything begins with a thought.  This is what my mother used to tell me. Anything we do in life first starts in our heads as a thought, idea, or concept.  Some of these thoughts become reality when we act on them and do or make something. A house, a vacation, an academic degree, a new car:  all of these things began in the mind as thoughts.  It is the same with writing. No matter what kind of writing it is--a letter, an email message, an essay, a blog post, an article, a tweet, a book--they all began in the mind.  When you have a writing assignment in school, first spend some time thinking about what you are going to write before you start writing. If you do the thinking step first, the writing will be better. Fred Rogers used to have a children's show on television called Mister Rogers. Maybe you used to watch  it when you were a child.  He talked about thinking, creating, imagining, and being curious. He called it "the garden of your mind."  I am attaching a video remix of Mr. Rogers for you at the following link:  Mister Rogers Remix


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the video is very nice and I think he was a good person and funny....

  3. this is pretty good,it really helpful. thanks to burnham. may God continue to give you more wisdom to do more and more of this.

  4. I am so sorry Mister Rogers past away so early for his watchers

  5. thinking is the most important link when you write the article.

  6. I loved this man. I didn't know he allready died. I used to watch his show on tv.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you for all of your comments. I'm glad that you like Mister Rogers. He was a wonderful man, a gift for children. I grew up with him on the television. I will post another link to a Mister Rogers Remix.

    Remember, I will give you one point of extra credit for this course for every comment that you make about my post or your classmate comments. I will figure up all these points at the end of the course.
