Thursday, April 24, 2014

Writing a summary: KISS

     Keep it short and simple. KISS. That's what you do when you write a summary of a longer piece of writing, whether it is a summary of an essay, article, chapter, report, or  book. A summary might just be one paragraph long and include only the main ideas of the longer writing.  The summary shouldn't include details, specifics, or examples. Summary writing is important in college. A professor might ask you to read a textbook chapter or a long lab report and write a paragraph summary.  In the business world, leaders often don't have time to read long reports, so they ask one of their employees to read the report and write an executive summary of it. An executive summary is often not longer than one page. When you write a book report essay, you will need to be able to summarize what the book you read is about in less than a page. That might seem difficult, but it isn't so hard if you just focus on the main ideas, plot and characters in the book. Just remember,  KISS.


  1. Today when you taught us about what summary is all about ,I gat some main point that I think is going to useful for me, I learned that when you writing a summary about a report or an essay you have to put the name of the author and the name of book. I never knew that before until today you just told us. We learn everyday no one is perfect but am using this medium to say a big thanks to you Jeff because without you teaching us all this steps I can't remember. Thou I was taught some when I was at my high school but I forgot mostly about English. Is like you just refreshing my brain and it really helping me and is going to help for the future. Now that am grown up I don't think I can forget this any longer. Thanks to you once again Jeff. God bless you

  2. Learning is always about reinforcing and learning in different ways. It's an unending process. Thanks for your comments!
