Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Family rabbit hunting

I am going to write a short story today about a nice memory of my childhood hunting rabbits with my father and brother and what I learned from the experience.  Today I will write the story as a six-sentence paragraph and in my post tomorrow I will expand the paragraph into a six-paragraph narrative essay.

                            Family Rabbit Hunting

     (1) I loved to hunt rabbits with my Dad and brother, Harold, when I was a kid,  because we hunted together as a team and each of us had a special role on the team.  (2) So here is how it always began, with my Dad, my brother and I going hunting in the woods behind our house on the farm where we lived.  (3) Harold had the first job, which was to spot a rabbit and point to it.   (4) Then, my Dad would shoot the rabbit with his rifle.  (5) Finally, it was my turn to run out and grab the dead rabbit and then we would go home,  where my Mom would clean and roast the rabbit for dinner. (6) In conclusion, family rabbit hunting was fun and a good way for me to learn the importance of teamwork at a young age.


  1. lol funny story jeff, when i was little i just to kill toad with my cousins when we was camping with the family.

    1. Did you eat the toads? I don't know about toads, but I've heard frog legs are good!

  2. it is important to work together as a team most especially with your family. when i was little i always scared of rabbit. because i was told rabbit do bite so i dont go near rabbit at all. i enjoyed reading this really make me remember when i was a child.

    1. It's true. Rabbits do bite. That's why you need to kill them first before you touch them.

  3. I like rabbit, but I also like eat a cuisine about rabbit in my hometown, it was called by "spicy diced rabbit".^^

    1. That sounds good to me because I like rabbit and I like spicy food.

  4. How wondterful time you experienced with your Dad and your brother! It's a good model that will teach me how to write my "Process Anaaysis Essays" . It is a good teaching method for us through your blog!!

    1. Thank you! I hope you will read my blog, enjoy it, and find it educational, too.

  5. Sorry,I made a wrong. Should be "Analysis"

  6. You made a spelling mistake, but you caught the mistake yourself. That's good!!
