Friday, July 29, 2011

Writing Basics: Writing an essay in one hour

When you apply to a college or university, you will probably be asked to write a five-paragraph essay as part of the application process. They want to know how well you write, since strong writing skills will be such an important part of your success in college and career after college. They also want to know if you can write under the pressure of a deadline, so they will probably give you 45 minutes to an hour to write the essay. When you are given the topic for the essay, the clock starts ticking. First, take a few minutes to read the topic and make sure you understand it. Then think about the topic and organize your thoughts on what you want to write about the topic and what your thesis statement will be. Take a minute to write a five- point outline. Only then begin to write the essay, and you will find that writing will go very quickly. Finally, give yourself a few minutes to review and proofread your essay and make any necessary changes. You will write a great, well organized essay in a short time if you follow these steps. Good luck!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Writing Basics: Easy as 1-2-3

Throughout history, many people in different cultures have attributed special, even mystical powers to the number three. Numerologists call it a powerful number. Maybe they are right. Think of all the different places that three pops up: triangles, pyramids, ABC, the trinity, and so on.

In writing, three is an important number. When you write, you need to keep this principle in mind. The basic unit of writing is the paragraph, which has three parts; introduction, body and conclusion. Essays also have the same three parts. Many colleges ask students to write a five-paragraph, three-part essay as part of their application, with an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. So you see, writing is as easy and one, two, three!

Henry David Thoreau, the great American author and naturalist, wrote, "I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Writing Basics: The power of proofreading

Proofreading your own writing is important. After you have written something, don't submit it to the teacher if it is an essay, hit the the send button if it is an e-mail message, or "publish" it as I will do after I finish this post and hit the "Publish" button until you have re-read your writing, checked for meaning, grammar, and punctuation, and run the spell-check to check for spelling mistakes. Sometimes, especially if the written piece is very important, it's a good idea to have some else read it and give you feedback and suggestions for possible changes. Be sure to ask someone who will be honest and tell you if they see any mistakes or things that need to be changed. A second pair of eyes can be very valuable. Don't be in a hurry. If you have time, lay your draft aside and come back and read it the next day with fresh eyes. You might spot an error you missed the first time, or decide to change the wording for better clarity. Now you are reading to finalize your draft and submit it.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Writing Basics: The Internet - good news, bad news

As you develop your writing skills, you will go beyond writing about what you know and start writing about topics that require research. The good news: the Internet has become an excellent source of information and research. The bad news: It seems that you can find anything on the Internet. But keep n mind that just because you have found something on the Internet, doesn't mean that is true, or even that it is accurate. Always check the source of information that you find on the Internet and make sure that it is not just someone's opinion before using that information in your paper.

Also, be sure to follow the correct style for citing the source of information you find on the Internet. This basically involves giving the reader the URL where you found the information and the date that you retrieved the information. Style guides, such as APA, MLA, Chicago Manual, will vary slightly on the format of the citation. Just stay consistent with the style guide you are following when you write the essay. Consistency and accuracy are the important things about references and citations.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Writing Basics: Comparison-Contrast Essays

One common type of essay is the comparison-contrast essay. You can always find similarities and differences when comparing any two things, countries, people, and so on. Comparison-contrast writing lends itself to a six-paragraph essay with the following paragraphs; introduction, first difference, second difference, transition sentence introducing the similarities, first similarity, second similarity, conclusion. An outline for an essay comparing and contrasting the U.S. with another country might look like this.

I. Introduction
Thesis Statement about differences

II. Body
A. Differences
1. Culture
2. Language

II.i Transition statement about similarities

B. Similarities
1. Political Structure
2. Economies

III. Conclusion

Monday, July 18, 2011

Writing Basics: Cause and effect writing

Cause and effect writing is used to express the cause(s) of something, the effect(s)of something, or the cause(s) and effect(s) of something. For example, you could talk about the causes and effects of smoking. The causes could be: nervousness, anxiety, needing to do something with your hands, the feeling you get when you smoke. The effects could be: smoker's breath, yellow teeth, coughing, respiration problems, high blood pressure, enphysema, and cancer of the mouth, throat and lungs.

When you do cause and effect writing you will use certain words: because, due to, since, as a result of, and so on. You can organize your writing in different ways, to focus on the cause(s), effect(s), or both cause(s) and effect(s).

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Writing Basics: From paragraph to essay

If you have been writing paragraphs, and your writing instructor asks you to write an essay, you might try the following method. Think of an essay as an expanded paragraph. Like a paragraph, an essay has an introduction, body and conclusion. In a paragraph those parts are sentences. In an essay those parts are paragraphs; an introductory paragraph, two or more body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. In an essay, the introductory paragraph usually begins by "setting the stage" about your topic, provides interesting information to grab the reader's attention, and ends with a Thesis Statement, which tells the reader what your essay is about and your perspective on the topic. Essays usually range from four to six or seven paragraphs, depending on how many body paragraphs your essay will have.

Essays can be fun to write if you take the time to think about what topic you want to write about and what you want to write about that topic. Many colleges require students to write a five or six paragrph as part of the application processs. They want to find out how well you write since writing is such an important skill for academic wrrcess.

Writing Basics: Process writing

Process writing is an important type of writing used for different purposes: how-to manuals, describing how to do or make something, processes and procedures. In process writing, you write about steps in chronological (time) order. Many things you might purchase that require assemmbly will come with assembly instructions; this is process writing. When you buy a new car, it will come with a User's Manual, which describes how to operate the car and how to fix little things that don't work.

Whether it is a paragraph, recipe, essay or manual that you are writing, you will use process writing. As always, you will begin with an introduction, then describe the things (ingredients, utensils, tools, parts, etc.) needed, and then describe the steps to the reader or user. You fill use signal words, like first, second, third, before, then, after that, finally, to help the reader follow the steps of the proces you are describing.

This is an important type a academic writing and many types of professional writing. Imagine writing a report on the steps and results of a chemistry experiement, or of how to operate a new machine in a work shop. Process writing.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Writing Basics: KISS

KISS is an acronym that means "Keep it short and simple." This is a good thing to remember when you are beginning to write. Keep your words short. Try to stick to vocabulary that you already know and not use a lot of big fancy words to impress the reader. You might use the big words incorrectly and confuse your reader. Keep your sentences short, simple, and to the point. If you use long sentences with a lot of commas, the reader might forget the beginning of the sentence by the time he reaches the end! Keep your paragraphs short and on the same topic. Paragraphs should be only a few sentences long, probably not more than ten sentences (like this paragraph!). If you follow the KISS principle in your writing, your readers will be more likely to understand and enjoy what you have written. And that's what it's all about, right?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Writing Basics: Journal Writing

Here is an easy way to improve your writing on a daily basis. Keep a journal. Every day write for 10-15 minutes about whatever you want: what you are doing, thinking about, planning for the future, thinking about the past...whatever crosses your mind. Don't worry about making mistakes, grammar, spelling, etc. Just write. If you want to share your journal with someone,or your instructor, go ahead and do that. That's up to you. If you do it every day, your writing will improve. It takes discipline, but how much do you want to improve your writing in English?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Writing Basics: To Improve your writing, write

Writing is similar to any other language skill (reading, speaking, listening); to improve the skill, you need to practice the skill. For writing, that means writing as much as possible, different types of writing, as often as possible. That's why many writing/composition teachers ask their students to write in a daily journal. It gives students a reason to write every day, about something, whatever they want to write about. And the journal is usually not corrected, or corrected very lightly, by the teacher. If you want to play the piano, practice every day playing the piano. If you want to write well, practice writing every day. And work on improving your writing a little every day, using new words, grammar, expressions, that you have learned. Read what you have written and ask yourself how you could have written it better. Re-write what you wrote making necessary changes. Ask a native speaker to read your writing and give you some feedback about it, and how you could have written it better. To write better, write more often.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Writing Basics: Writing resources

Writers have many resources to help them improve their writing skills. At Ivy Tech Community College, students can go to the new Learning Resources Center for free help with their writing from a qualified writing tutor or instructor. After spending some time with a tutor, students can go to the new library only a few steps away to check out a book, read a newspaper or magazine, or just find a comfortable place to relax and hang out.

One of the best online resources for writers is the Online Writing Laboratory (OWL) from Purdue University, OWL where many resources to help writers can be found. Click on the ESL link on the left-hand side of the homepage to access the ESL resources. Check it out!

Of course, one of your best resources is your writing instructor, who will always be eager to help you improve your writing skills.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Writing Basics: Write about what you don't know

If you are an ESL student, when you first start writing in English, it's good for you to start writing about what you know: your country, classmates, experiences, job, family, and so on. After you become used to writing in English, start writing about what you don't know. Why? This will help you learn to do research, it will help you gain new and valuable knowledge, and it will be fun. It's fun to learn new things, right? And, you will get better grades in your classes!

An easy way to start doing research on a subject that you don't know about, or don't know much about, is to use the Internet. We all have access to the Internet. There is so much information there. But be careful. Not everything that is on the Internet is true or even factual. So choose your sources carefully. Make sure that what you have found on the Internet is not just someone's opinion. If you do use some information you have found on the Internet in your writing, be sure to give the reference so your readers can find where you got the information on the Internet.

Keep on reading, writing, and learning!