Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Writing Basics: Journal Writing

Here is an easy way to improve your writing on a daily basis. Keep a journal. Every day write for 10-15 minutes about whatever you want: what you are doing, thinking about, planning for the future, thinking about the past...whatever crosses your mind. Don't worry about making mistakes, grammar, spelling, etc. Just write. If you want to share your journal with someone,or your instructor, go ahead and do that. That's up to you. If you do it every day, your writing will improve. It takes discipline, but how much do you want to improve your writing in English?


  1. I will practice this writing technique for I think this is a good idea. I was wondering if there is a way to inprove my writing faster than before. Thanks- Jeff

    Aurianie Fontus

  2. I have entire notebooks full with this kind of writing, even though I never let any one reads it. Thank you.

  3. What a wondeful advice Jeff! I will try to implement your advice as much as I can because this is a good way to improve my writting in fun way.

  4. Hi Jeff journal is a v ery good strategy for my to prctice my English because when I write I have to think. ohh the word basics in the first line is misspelled.
