Friday, July 1, 2011

Writing Basics: Write about what you don't know

If you are an ESL student, when you first start writing in English, it's good for you to start writing about what you know: your country, classmates, experiences, job, family, and so on. After you become used to writing in English, start writing about what you don't know. Why? This will help you learn to do research, it will help you gain new and valuable knowledge, and it will be fun. It's fun to learn new things, right? And, you will get better grades in your classes!

An easy way to start doing research on a subject that you don't know about, or don't know much about, is to use the Internet. We all have access to the Internet. There is so much information there. But be careful. Not everything that is on the Internet is true or even factual. So choose your sources carefully. Make sure that what you have found on the Internet is not just someone's opinion. If you do use some information you have found on the Internet in your writing, be sure to give the reference so your readers can find where you got the information on the Internet.

Keep on reading, writing, and learning!

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