Monday, July 11, 2011

Writing Basics: KISS

KISS is an acronym that means "Keep it short and simple." This is a good thing to remember when you are beginning to write. Keep your words short. Try to stick to vocabulary that you already know and not use a lot of big fancy words to impress the reader. You might use the big words incorrectly and confuse your reader. Keep your sentences short, simple, and to the point. If you use long sentences with a lot of commas, the reader might forget the beginning of the sentence by the time he reaches the end! Keep your paragraphs short and on the same topic. Paragraphs should be only a few sentences long, probably not more than ten sentences (like this paragraph!). If you follow the KISS principle in your writing, your readers will be more likely to understand and enjoy what you have written. And that's what it's all about, right?


  1. I will follow the kiss principle.

    Aurianie Fontus

  2. Thanks for your comments. We also say "More is less" which means the same as KISS. -Jeff

  3. yes that's right Jeff KISS helps not only writter but the reader too. KISS is very important especially for ESL students.I will try to wright short and simple essay. I will take your advice 100%. Thanks a gain.
