Sunday, July 17, 2011

Writing Basics: Process writing

Process writing is an important type of writing used for different purposes: how-to manuals, describing how to do or make something, processes and procedures. In process writing, you write about steps in chronological (time) order. Many things you might purchase that require assemmbly will come with assembly instructions; this is process writing. When you buy a new car, it will come with a User's Manual, which describes how to operate the car and how to fix little things that don't work.

Whether it is a paragraph, recipe, essay or manual that you are writing, you will use process writing. As always, you will begin with an introduction, then describe the things (ingredients, utensils, tools, parts, etc.) needed, and then describe the steps to the reader or user. You fill use signal words, like first, second, third, before, then, after that, finally, to help the reader follow the steps of the proces you are describing.

This is an important type a academic writing and many types of professional writing. Imagine writing a report on the steps and results of a chemistry experiement, or of how to operate a new machine in a work shop. Process writing.

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