Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Topic and conclusion sentences in paragraphs

     Just as an essay has an introduction and a conclusion, each body paragraph of an essay has a topic sentence (introduction) and a conclusion sentence. The topic sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is about, and the conclusion sentence concludes and wraps up the paragraph before moving on to the next paragraph. An effective way to write the conclusion sentence of a body paragraph, wraps up the paragraph and points to the next paragraph. In that way the conclusion sentence functions as a transition, helping the reader move from one paragraph to the next.  Every sentence in a paragraph should follow from the topic sentence.  If not, it is off topic, and should be deleted or moved to another paragraph. So just as essays have a beginning and an end, paragraphs do, too. You could say that a paragraph, like an essay, has three parts, introduction, body and conclusion. The parts of the essay are paragraphs. The parts of a paragraph are sentences.

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