Thursday, May 8, 2014

Excellence, not perfection

     Perfectionists can drive themselves crazy because if they expect to do anything perfectly, they always fall short, and often end up feeling disappointed.  I friend of mine is a perfectionist. He took a math course and his final grade was 980 out of 1,000 points. He was so disappointed because he didn't get a perfect 1,000 points. In this world, nothing is perfect. Instead of striving for perfection, it's better to strive for excellence. Or if you strive for perfection as your goal, don't be discouraged when you fall short, as you always will.

     Writing is the same way.  Any writing can be improved, no matter how good the writer is.  A final draft of an essay will probably have at least one grammar, spelling, or punctuation error. It could have been organized a little differently to make it easier to read.  It could have included more, or different, examples to make the main points clearer. So do your best, but be satisfied with excellence and don't worry if what you wrote isn't perfect. You could say that there is no end to the writing process. You can always write one more draft of an essay to improve it. 


  1. I agree with what you say Jeff, nothing is perfect and less on writing. I heard on a TV show, the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas LLosa, Nobel Prize in Literature, said that when he writes, he always are consulting many dictionaries, Therefore it would be crazy to say that someone wants to be perfect in writing or anything.

    1. Excellent comment. Even the best writers, like Vargas Llosa, can still improve their writing.

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  3. I agree with you Jeff. I tink it is better to make mistak and learn from it. Because learn from mistake it could make you perfect.

  4. I really agree with you Jeff. Have you ever heard about that nobody is perfect except God. Write and read much more woud be best write isn't it?

    1. Reading a lot is one of the best ways to learn how to write better. To write better, practice, practice, practice. Write everyday in your journal.

  5. Only God is perfect, in my opinion. The rest of us try to do the best we can.

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  7. i agree jeff, I try to wrote a good essay but not perfect.

    1. Perfection isn't our goal in writing. Excellence is the goal.

  8. I agree, I think there is nothing perfect . we must try to learn from our mistakes.

  9. I am agree with you Jeff because nobody is perfect. one time we did mistake, second time we did, some time we did again and again but every time we learn something in that mistake. so we always try never give up.

  10. Perfection is a word that scared me but remember only GOD is perfect. Every time you make a mistake you always learn from that mistake.
