Thursday, May 1, 2014

Go with the flow

     People talk about the flow of an essay. What does flow mean?  Think about a river flowing. The water flows easily along as it goes down the river. A good essay has good flow, starting with the first paragraph. In the introduction, you get the reader interested in your topic with a good hook, set the stage for the essay with some background information, and then tell the reader what main points you are going to cover in the essay in the thesis statement. Then in the body you write about each of these points, with good transitions so one paragraph flows easily into the next. Finally, in the conclusion you leave your reader with a summary and a final thought. After finishing the essay, the reader should feel that he or she has taken a nice, smooth trip with you floating down a river from one point to another, and has enjoyed the ride.

1 comment:

  1. in writing an essay is just like a flow of water. if you really know how to start with the hook and give out some information in the introduction and then provide the thesis satement. the body and the conclusion should not any problem to us because when you know how to write the introduction that really means you already know everything you wanna talk about. unlike me, in my writting II ckass, i now know what essay is alot and the most important that should follow up when writing an essay. a big thanks to mr burnham. may God continue to give more wisdom ,knowledge and understanding in all his doing in life.
