Sunday, May 4, 2014

Writing: Get everything involved

     When you write anything, the time you spend on pre-writing will pay off in much better writing. Once you've decided on your topic and focus (thesis statement), spend time thinking and writing down what you already know about the topic, read about your topic, draw some pictures about your topic, talk to people about your topic and tell them what you're going to write about, ask their opinions about your topic, watch any YouTube videos you can find related to the topic, and watch a movie or listen to a presentation on about your topic. Then let all of this percolate in your mind (think "brainstorm") for a while. Sleep on it and let your unconscious mind do its job. Then you will be ready to write down all your ideas in a well-organized outline to begin writing.

1 comment:

  1. You''ve said it all, that better way people can write on any of their topics . When you brainstorm and think of what to write it will really help us and able to write whatever that ovens from our mind. But am curious about the youtube and I think that is a new idea have learnt from your blog. Now whenever I want to write anything I will rather first go to youtube or to find anything that is related to my topics to make it more easier for me to write. Thanks Jeff for all this your knowledge.
