Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Arizona Law

The new law in Arizona which allows police to stop people and ask them for proof of citizenship makes me sad. This and the vigilantes (minutemen?) who patrol the border with guns looking for Mexicans crossing to use for target practice. I grew up in Arizona and New Mexico, so I have a love for that area and the people there. I hope that reason will prevail and they will repeal this new law. Can you imagine Mexican-American U.S. citizens being pulled over for a speeding ticket and asked to produce their proof of citizenship? You can be sure it will happen, even though they are saying there will be no racial profiling. Do you think they are going to be looking for Canadian and Irish illegal immigrants who are living and working in Arizona? It's interesting to observe that many Arizona Republicans want nothing to do with this new law. You can't blame them. In a state like Arizona, with the size of the Hispanic population, in many counties you probably can't win an election without the Hispanic vote. One of the reasons the U.S. is a great country is that the government protects our civil liberties and privacy. That's why I doubt that this law will stand up in court. Our constitution protects our civil liberties, and that has been and will always be a good thing.


  1. This is a sad news even though Americans have to manage their security at the border in Arizona, but the illegal Mexican immigrants that are already living and working in the U.S, who have no criminal problem with the law, need a second chance.

  2. I agree with you, Reginald. Thank you for reading my blog and commenting. You get 20 points of extra credit.


  3. Hi, Mr Burnham. This is an intersting issue with disagree spanich people to this new law. I think, it is concerned to spanish people as much as other racial. As we kown majority of spanish people, they are living in Arizonal. I disagree with this law. Arizona's gouverment should to look at it again and I thing they have a lot solutions for illegale people. thinks

  4. it's clear and obvious that the hispnic population, they need only their voices to win a, seat other than that they are not welcome in the US .that the truth they been covering it up since a decades!!! I don't now if you remember the disignation of SOTOMAYOR at the supreme court eventhough she is a citizen , she went through an ordeal full of insults and discrimination they went far when they accused her for not being the right person to succed to the outgoing member of the supreme court,how dare they?
    that the truth we should face it,hispanic population is only used for vote purpose!!!!
    and when things gettings worst(down economy...) the fist person we gonna blame it's a mexicain shame on them!!!

  5. Hi Jeffrey,I m so sad too,about this issue in Arizona.Can you imagine families leaving arizona because their color of skin is not white,and they are afraid of being stopped by the police.Imagine children asking their parents,"Why do we have to move to another city?"The parents answer,'we are hispanic and people do not like us here."It is going to create a lot of psychological problems for our children and society.In addition ,it is going to create more discrimination than what we already have.U.S.A is this your real face?If this is America,at least you are showing the world who this country is.

  6. Brahim,

    I agree completely with you. Shame on those people in Arizona who did this. Hopefully, there are other good people there who will "undo" the new law and the mess and unjustice it would surely create.

    You get 20 points of extra credit for visiting my blog and commenting. Thank you. Please visit and comment again.


  7. Paulo,

    Thank you for your comments. I don't believe that what we are seeing in Arizona with this law right now is the real face of the U.S. It is the extremist, racist face of a few misguided citizens who only want to have citizens whose faces look the same as theirs (white). I have confidence that other Americans, including Mexican-Americans and other Hispanic citizens will do what is necessary to repeal this law and show the true face of this country, a country that is made up of immigrants and has always welcomed immigrants to share the American Dream.


  8. I still have faith that the majority will come to their senses about this Arizona Law. As I stated before-where is the fear coming from? I heard a woman say that she did not even feel like this was her country anymore. Where was she? Who owns the country. Rush Limbaugh just needs to be arrested again for his prescription medications.
